Page 6 - The Jake Sullivan Series Media Guide
P. 6


                                     TIN CUP CHALICE

                                     A defrocked priest comes to Jake Sullivan with a fantastic tale of ancient voyages, cryptic clues, and
                                     imminent dangers from present and medievil organizations in search of history's most sought after

                                     Did a secret northern voyage, never recorded in history actually occur... and is it possible that is
                                     somehow connects to ruins on the Florida Coastal Waterway?

                                     As events unfold, Jake and Mike come to believe the tales may be true and the dangers real as they
                                     chase after enlightenment or disaster.


                    Tampico Trauma                       Fins                               Big Rig
                    Having narrowly escaped a                                               A seemingly innocent shipment is
                    deadly attack in Bavaria, Jake             just                         offloaded on the docks in Miami.
                    and Mike return to                           and
                    Washington, D.C., and reveal               Mexico,                      Little do Jake Sullivan and Mike
                    what they believe to be "The                                            Lang realize that it is the beginning
                    Package" and the role played by            45.                          of their worst nightmare.
                    Group 45 in its disappearance.               in                         Learning that nuclear weapons have
                                                               a                            been smuggled into the United
           Still in need of the key to break Simon Branson’s    late night assailant, the descendent of a minor   States, Jake and Mike are charged by President Fletcher
         code, and ordered by President Fletcher to verify the   historical figure of the Nineteenth Century, who   with finding them and the terrorists involved.
         identity and whereabouts of “The Package”, Jake   provides Jake with an amazing tale and a strange   Joined by an over-the-road trucker who has innocently
         and Mike travel to South America and then Mexico   drawing that may hold the key to solving a murder   become ensnared in the terrorists’ web, who provides Jake
         in search of the truth.             clouded by history and finding the long-lost City of   and Mike with vital information to aid them in their
           That truth will come to light in a final   Gold.                     search, they follow lead after lead, some true and some
         confrontation in Tampico, Mexico, where   Once again, Jake and Mike embark on an   false, ultimately finding themselves in the Arizona desert,
         unspeakable evil was hidden for decades in the   adventure, aided by a knowledgeable young intern   where, aided by a scientist from Arizona State University,
         world of art and culture.           from the Federal Institute of Native Studies, and, as   they unravel the nature of the true plot they face and race
           The final confrontation between Jake and Mike   usual, the warning sign circling slowly on the
         and the leaders of Group 45 is an unbelievable   surface of the water does not even begin to   against time to stop an unspeakable calamity.
         ending they never saw coming.       represent the dangers and discoveries to be found
                                             far below.


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