Page 5 - The Jake Sullivan Series Media Guide
P. 5


         Gypsies in the Palace

         Jake Sullivan awakens from a deep coma only to find he suffers from partial amnesia ... no
         longer sure of friend or foe.

         His best friend, Mike Lang, is gone on a secret mission, and former President Jordan Fletcher
         tries to help Jake remember.

         What seems like a simple late night mugging is the catalyst that brings Jake back, and just in
         time, as Fletcher, Inc., is facing a new battle with the forces behind a new lethal drug gaining a
         toehold in the Floria Keys.

         Tracking down its source becomes Jake's mission ... a source he never could have imagined.


                     Jamaica Mistaica                    Changes in Latitudes,                He Went to Paris
                                                         Changes in Attitudes
                        Ja    drug dealer                                                     S i m o n Branson is on the run,
                     surrenders to authorities after             phone                        and Jake Sullivan and Mike Lang
                     coming ashore in the Florida        call from his estranged wife,        head to Paris to track down a
                     Keys and tries to bargain for his   Linda, brings Jake Sullivan back     killer.
                     safety with a fantastic tale of lost   to his hometown in Western        Charged by President Fletcher
                     pirate treasure and its             Pennsylvania.                        with verifying the incredible
                     connection to the Shower Posse                                           secrets  found in the Group 45
                     drug cartel,  the CIA, and more.    Jake’s childhood friend and law      documents, they are moving
           When a brazen daylight attempt on the dealer’s   school classmate, Simon Branson, is about to be    ever closer to finding the truth about The Package.
         life leaves American citizens dead on the streets of   appointed a Federal Judge for the United States   Surviving a murderous attack in the City of Light,
         Miami, President Jordan Fletcher asks Jake Sullivan,   District Court for the Western District of   they follow another clue to the Bavarian Alps, where
         Chief Federal Prosecutor in the Justice Department’s   Pennsylvania when his wife is brutally murdered and   the scattered remains of Group 45 are coalescing
         Miami Office, and his investigator and best friend,   he is charged with the crime.  around a neofascist proclaiming himself the savior of
         Mike Lang, to join a special DEA Task Force and go   Turning to Jake for help, Branson pleads his   Western Civilization.
         to Jamaica to investigate.           innocence and claims to be the victim of a political   Trying to stay a step ahead of their enemies and
           Joining DEA Special Agent, Mack Owens, Jake   plot to wreck his judicial appointment.  aided by a Nazi physicist’s granddaughter, they
         and Mike head to the Island of Wood and Water and   Using his reputation and the friendship his   finally find what they are looking for . . . the solution
         find themselves in the midst of a three hundred year   investigator, Mike Lang, has with the Pittsburgh   to the enigma of The Package, in the unlikeliest of
         old legend of piracy, corruption, calamity, and   Special Agent in Charge of the FBI, Jake takes on his   locations, the Keahlstein Haus itself, the “Eagle’s
         death . . . with only the solution to an ancient map   friend’s case, discovering a political plot does exist . . .   Nest” of Adolf Hitler.
         keeping them from their own.         one that leads to an unbelievable conclusion.
           Travel once more with Jake and Mike into the
         beautiful, but dangerous, Caribbean where the
         ghosts of pirates beckon and adventure awaits

                     Kindle Book Price: $3.99                              Paperback Book Price: $9.99


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