Page 2 - August 2020
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PRESIDENT’S CORNER, Bob Blanton President The Club at WestPark
August 2020 Community Association
I’d like to start off by thanking Rob Ryerson for stepping up to the plate, and 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
participating in this year’s election. Regretfully, Rob had to withdraw in early July for Roseville, CA 95747
personal reasons, but was hoping that the resulting uncontested election would save
the HOA any additional expense. Unfortunately, the new election rules established by Phone: (916) 771-7801
SB 323 require that the election proceed through the counting of the ballots. As a result, I’d like to Fax: (916) 771-7827
congratulate Pat Patterson and Dan Ketchum, who have been re-elected to the Board of Directors for
another two-year term.
This will be my last contribution to the President’s Corner for a while. The Election of Officers, which
followed the Annual Meeting, produced the following results as Pat Patterson and I traded places: The Retreat Facility Hours
President: Pat Patterson Currently Closed
Vice President: Bob Blanton
Treasurer: Doug Hanagan Riverside Management
Secretary: Dan Ketchum
Director at Large: Ralph Jahr Pamela Ciapessoni,
As far as reopening is concerned, it doesn’t look like we’ll be opening the Retreat any time soon. Having (916) 740-2462
said that, the Board asked Riverside Management to develop a Phase 1 plan to reopen the Retreat and one
specifically tailored to reopen the pool should conditions positively change in the near future. Both plans
incorporate the requirements levied by the state, Placer County, and the HOA attorney’s Board of Directors
recommendations. The Board also included some recommendations offered by Members as well. Once Bob Blanton, President
our attorney assures us that the pool is both physically and fiscally safe to open, we will do so. So, we Pat Patterson, Vice President
Doug Hanagan, Treasurer
have that in our back pocket should Governor Newsome accelerate the recovery at some point. Dan Ketchum, Secretary
With the onset of COVID-19, and then the rapid progression of Placer County through the first three Ralph Jahr, Director
stages of Recovery, the Board has experienced a noticeable increase in the volume of email traffic. Email:
There have been complaints regarding closure, suggestions about reopening, requests for reduction in
fees, etc., in addition to the regular issues experienced prior to COVID, such as landscaping and tree 2020 Board of Directors
trimming. We welcome your thoughts, sharing your concerns, and offering your insights…we need to Quarterly Meetings
Meetings below are open to all
know what the community is experiencing in order to better respond to changing conditions. We do our
members of the Association.
best to digest and acknowledge your input. However, there’s also been a noticeable increase in emails Wednesday, January 22nd - 6pm
sent to Directors’ private email accounts. So, as a reminder, the email address you need to use in order to Wednesday, March 4th - 2:30pm
contact us is: It’s posted in the Courier as well as our website under Wednesday, April 22nd - 6pm
“Contacts.” Additionally, this directive is posted in the PRG: “All email communications to the Board Wednesday, July 29th– Election/Annual Mtg 4pm
shall be sent to the dedicated email at, and shall not be emailed to individual Wednesday, October 28th - 6pm
Board members. Only emails sent to this dedicated account will be read or responded to.” By the way, Onsite Association Staff
the President is copied on all emails sent to the Association Manager as well as the Board of Directors. Yelena Parikova, Director of Operations
Hopefully, August will bring a reversal of COVID’s spread and a flattening of the current curve. Keep
practicing the guidelines for prevention, and watch out for one another! Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
Bob Blanton
Vice President Home Specific Emergencies
(800) 762-5858
Home Warranty Questions
A reminder about operation of the HOA
Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by Pamela Ciapessoni and her team at Riverside Management and
Financial Services, Inc. Both the Director of Operations and Riverside are engaged by and work at the will of the Board of Directors. The
Board is responsible for their management. Contact Pamela first, if you have issues you feel need to be addressed.
If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email will
be received by the Board President, and Pamela Ciapessoni of Riverside Management. All correspondence is included in the quarterly
Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good standing can ask for a private meeting with the Board to discuss
personal matters.
August 2020 Page 2