Page 3 - August 2020
P. 3

The Club at Westpark Community Association
                                                                Financial Results - June 2020
                                                        June                        Year To Date 2020

                                                   Actual         Budget                 YTD         YTD Budget          Variance       Annual Budget
         Revenues                                $127,262       $140,670            $803,356             $844,771        ($41,415)           $1,716,542
         Administration                            22,309          19,789             136,744             127,888         ($8,857)              250,882
         Payroll                                   29,908          42,522             219,114             255,129           36,015              510,259
         Landscaping                               37,441          37,616             226,791             225,698         ($1,093)              451,396
         Common area utilities                      ($461)            838               4,069                5,027            $959               10,055
         The Retreat                               10,062          22,710              90,290             133,202           42,911              299,646
         Reserve contributions                     16,192          16,192              97,152              97,152                0              194,304
         Total expenses                           116,689        139,666              781,588             844,096           62,508            1,716,542
         Net surplus (deficit)                    $10,573          $1,004             $21,768                $675          $21,093                   $0

                                 Disclaimer                * Month over month variances to budget are expected since timing of expenses can vary from month to month.
                                                        The HOA budget is prepared on an annual basis and is expected to be balanced once the year's results are computed.
         Balance Sheet Highlights
         Assets                                                           Liabilities/Equity
         Operating cash balance                  $333,596                 Contract Liability/Reserve Fund Balance          344,463
         Reserve fund cash balance                345,358                 Prepaid assessments                              188,388
         Accounts receivable                         3,105                Accounts payable                                  12,043
         Prepaid expenses                          47,102                 Accrued payroll obligation                         1,760

                                                                          Other liabilities                                24747.3
                                                      The Club at Westpark Community Association
                                                                Financial Results - May 2020
                                                        May                         Year To Date 2020
                                                   Actual         Budget                 YTD         YTD Budget          Variance       Annual Budget

         Revenues                                $127,687       $140,920             $676,094            $704,101        ($28,006)           $1,716,542
         Administration                            21,595          20,323             114,436             108,099        (6336.95)              250,882
         Payroll                                   34,261          42,522             189,206             212,608           23.402              510,259
         Landscaping                               40,421          37,616             189,350             188,082        (1268.05)              451,396
         Common area utilities                       2,492            838               4,530                4,190         (340.31)              10,055
         The Retreat                               11,152          21,946              80,228             110,492           30,264              299,646
         Reserve contributions                     16,192          16,192             80,960,              80,960                 0             194,304
         Total expenses                           127,351        139,436              664,900             704,430           39,530            1,716,542
         Net surplus (deficit)                       $336          $1,484             $11,195             (329.05)         $11,524                    $0

                                 Disclaimer                * Month over month variances to budget are expected since timing of expenses can vary from month to month.
                                                        The HOA budget is prepared on an annual basis and is expected to be balanced once the year's results are computed.

         Balance Sheet Highlights
         Assets                                                           Liabilities/Equity
         Operating cash balance                  $293,637                 Contract Liability/Reserve Fund Balance          332,331
         Reserve fund cash balance                333,989                 Prepaid assessments                               18,365
         Accounts receivable                         3,877                Accounts payable                                   5,467
         Prepaid expenses                          24,312                 Accrued payroll obligation                         1,510
                                                                          Other liabilities                                152,102
         Understanding the monthly financial results:
         The monthly financials to the left contain categories which may appear to be over budget while some appear to be under budget.  This is caused by the presenta-
         tion of the monthly allocations. When the budget is prepared, the categories are estimated on an annual basis and one twelfth of them appear in each monthly slot.
         The reality is that the expenses don’t occur evenly throughout the year so from month-to-month they may be negative variances.  Our financial results are also
         prepared on an accrual basis and contain non-cash expenses such as depreciation.  Since our assessments are based only on the calendar cash requirements of the
         association, the budget estimates only include anticipated cash expenditures.  Please keep this in mind as you look at the results.
                                                     August 2020                                                           Page 3
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