Page 4 - August 2020
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FROM YOUR DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS                         Governing Documents>Policies, Rules & Guidelines>07.30.20
                                                                                Approved Community Tree Removal Rule.pdf
                       Yelena Parikova

                                                                                Financial Review

                                                                                Due to an error that was made in the May’s Financial review in last
           The annual 2020 membership meeting was held on July 29th, 2020.      month’s Courier, this month’s review includes both the corrected
           This was our first Zoom annual meeting and this format is allowing us   Financials for the month of May and June Financials. If you would
           the opportunity to reach many of our members who normally would      like to review the financial report in more detail, the monthly reports
           not be able to attend meetings in person. With the new changes we are   can be found on the community website on the Docs & Forms page>
           all facing we are looking at new and exciting ways to conduct the    Financials>Monthly Report>2020.
           business of the Association. Zoom meetings allow us to move forward
           in a professional environment while accessing as many owners as
           possible. We will continue to offer fireside chats and zoom meetings   Landscaping
           as we navigate these uncharted territories. If you have not had a
           chance to join us, please connect with one of our friendly Zoom      Front yard landscaping/trimming service has been a very hot topic this
           ambassadors for assistance.                                          past month. Due to some unforeseen delays GP landscaping had fallen
           •  Barbara Allen -                              behind on their regular trimming schedule but are doing everything
                                                                                they can to catchup and ensure that everything is properly trimmed
           •  Debbie Ferris -
                                                                                throughout the community. Their trimming team has been on site
           •  Rebecca Jenkins -
                                                                                since Monday, July 27th and will remain onsite until all trimming is
           •  Dan Ketchum -
           •  Rick Koehler -
           •  Jim Lindauer -
                                                                                If you have a front yard maintenance issue or concern, please

           Proposed rule addition to the Policies, Regulations                  complete a Landscape Concern Form on the community website or
           and Guidelines (“PRG”)                                               email me directly at
                                                                                When submitting your concern please don’t forget to provide the
                                                                                following information:
           At the July 29th Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved for
           posting for a 30-day comment period the final revision of the Meeting  •  Your Name:
           and Assembly Rules. The purpose of these Assembly Rules is to        •  Your Address:
           provide for the orderly and peaceful exercise of these rights, and to
           ensure the Common Area of the Association is used in a manner        •  Your Email:
           consistent with Civil Code Section 4515. The proposed rules are      •  Your Phone Number:
           available on the community website and can be found on the Docs &
                                                                                •  Your Concern:
           Forms page> Committees>4515 Committee>02.04.20 Revised
           Assembly Rules – Final.pdf. The Board of Directors intends to make
           its decision at a meeting following consideration of any member      We look forward to a safe and productive remainder of the year and
           comments. Please submit your comments by sending an email            value all our members.
           to Only comments received at the approved
           email address will be reviewed by the Board. Please do not send
           comments to any other address. The deadline to submit comments is
           5pm on Friday, August 28th. If you wish to submit a comment, please
           do so before the deadline. Any comments received after 5 PM on
           Friday, August 28th will not be reviewed by the Board.
           In addition to the proposed Assembly Rules the Board had also
           approved the redlined version of the Community Tree Removal Rule,
           which was previously posted for a 30-day comment period back on
           March 30 . The approved rule will be added as an addendum to the
           Policies, Regulations and Guidelines (“PRG”). The approved rule can
           be located on the community website on the Docs & Forms page>

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