Page 23 - May 2020
P. 23

The Board and the                            that simple if we keep our options open and re-  Discussions with Yelena, Director of Opera-

                                                         member that the best ideas may be the simplest  tions, will help with everyday details. Further
             Art of Leadership                           solution! The principal duties of the Board,    inquiry with Pam at Riverside Management will

                                                         along with management, is to ensure the Associ- provide details regarding legalities and policies
                          Pat Patterson
                                                         ation is well managed and complies with the     that lead to correct processes to follow. The five
                Vice President, Board of Directors
                                                         Association’s governing documents. The Board  Directors working together can also give insight
             Ralph Jahr, Board of Directors & Editor
                                                         is the Association’s decision-making authority   as to what the community is thinking. “I’m glad

                                                         on all matters except those reserved to members  we had the times together just to laugh and sing
                We are all looking back on the past, to
                                                         or delegated to the management and commit-      a song, seems like we just got started and then
         things we accomplished and the things we
                                                         tees.                                           before you know it, the times we had together
         should have done better. Board members take
                                                                There is more to be a Director than just   were gone,” Dr. Seuss. It is currently more diffi-
         leadership on with a simple idea. “Think and
                                                         making decisions. And that is Leadership. Being  cult with Co-vid 19 keeping everybody in their
         wonder, wonder and think,” Dr. Seuss. Direc-
                                                         a Leader, takes courage, honesty, responsibility,  homes. “Strategic leaders must not get con-
         tors on the board are ordinary Club members
                                                         imagination, and creativity.  “Leadership is not  sumed by the operational and tactical side of
         and hire experts and professionals to ensure the
                                                         about a title or a designation. It’s about impact,  their work. They have a duty to find time to
         role in the Association’s governance. Wow,
                                                                                                             shape the future,” Stephanie S. Mead. To
         who would volunteer for a non-paid posi-
                                                                                                             shape the future Directors should not get
         tion and try to satisfy all the people?
                                                                                                             caught up in the details but instead must
         “Adults are just outdated children,” Dr.
         Seuss. I believe we need to solve complicat-                                                        think strategically. Responsibility is key to
                                                                                                             Board actions. “Leadership is not a person
         ed problems with simple answers!  “They
                                                                                                             or a position. It is a complex moral relation-
         say I’m old fashioned, and live in the past,
                                                                                                             ship between people based on trust, obliga-
         but sometimes I think progress progresses
                                                                                                             tion, commitment, emotion, and a shared
         too fast,” Dr. Seuss.  I believe every Direc-
                                                                                                             vision of the good,” Joanne B. Ciulla. The
         tor’s actions, votes, and decisions are made
                                                                                                             conduct of each Board member must be
         in a similar way to what any other member
                                                                                                             honest, helpful, diligent, and respectful.
         in the Club would do if they were in their
                                                                                                             This is necessary when communicating with
                                                         influence and inspiration.” Robin S. Sharma. It
                What does it mean to be a member of                                                      community members, staff, management, other
                                                         takes courage just to throw your hat in the ring
         the Board of Directors, (Board) and what do                                                     and Directors. In Dr. Seuss’s world,
                                                         to be on the Board. “You’ll miss the best things
         they do? Well, the Board is the governing body                                                  “Everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows
                                                         if you keep your eyes shut,” Dr. Seuss. It also   and poop butterflies!”
         of the Association, Article 1, 1.8 of the Cove-
                                                         takes time and commitment to listen and test
         nants, Conditions and Restrictions, (CCR) Ac-                                                          Leadership involves heart, and a desire
                                                         ideas. “You gain strength, courage and confi-
         cording to the Bylaws. The board conducts                                                       to listen to others. I remember a quote by Chris-
                                                         dence by every experience which you must stop
         Business meetings four times a year and con-                                                    topher Reeve, “What makes Superman a hero is
                                                         and look fear in the face… You must do the
         venes other meetings as needed such as Organi-                                                  not that he has power, but that he has the wis-
                                                         thing you think you cannot do,” Eleanor Roose-
         zational, Special, Emergency, and Executive                                                     dom and the maturity to use the power wisely.”
                                                         velt. Seeing all possibilities, all that can be
         Sessions. That is a lot of meetings for non-paid                                                Directors at The Club do not need to be Super-
                                                         done, and how it can be done, marks the power
         retiree members of the Club! Often as Board                                                     men. But using the combined wisdom and of
                                                         of imagination. Sometimes thinking outside of
         Directors we need to make decisions that some                                                   community members, staff and other Board
                                                         the box gives creative ideas. I’m telling you this
         people do not like. “Sometimes, when I see my                                                   members can go a long way to help the Board
                                                         because you’re one of my friends. “My alphabet
         granddaughters make small discoveries of their                                                  exhibit good leadership that can benefit the en-
                                                         starts where your alphabet ends,” Dr. Seuss.
         own, I wish I were a child,” Dr. Seuss. It can be                                               tire community.

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