Page 25 - May 2020
P. 25

By: Debbie Ferris
            Community Connections  Committee

           Website Tip - Have you Zoomed Yet?
           I am taking a break from the usual website tip to make sure you are aware of Zoom. Since we are isolating and maintaining social distancing,
           many of us have started using Zoom to meet up with family, friends, and our special interest groups.

           Zoom is an app that is available on all the platforms we have explored including Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. The app is free. You can
           download it to your favorite device and start using it right away.

           Two documents may help you get started with Zoom. They are both short, non-techy documents. You can find them both on the Club website.
           Navigate to the Groups column and select Digital World Club. The document labeled Zoom Controls Across Devices is a “cheat sheet”. It tells
           you where to find the different controls on your specific device. The document labeled How to Use Zoom - An App Installation Guide explains
           how to get started with Zoom.

           Zoom has been used throughout our community. Besides the Apple iClub and the Digital World Club, Shutterbugs and
           Book Club have held meetings using Zoom and many of our neighbors have used Zoom to host Block Parties and Happy
           Hours. Some used it to celebrate Easter and Passover with their families. So if you are tired of sitting home alone, check
           out the documents mentioned above or contact Shannon to see if there is another Zoom class offered.

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