Page 465 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 465
Harun Yahya
tist from another discipline and showed him the meagre evidence
we've got, he'd surely say, "Forget it: there isn't enough to go on".'
Neither David nor others involved in the search for mankind
can take this advice, of course, but we remain fully aware of the
dangers of drawing conclusions from evidence that is so in-
complete. 2
David Pilbeam, whom Leakey quotes above, is also an
evolutionist paleontologist. As he admits:
My reservations concern not so much this book [Richard
Leakey's Origins] but the whole subject and methodology of pale-
oanthropology. . . . Perhaps generations of students of human evolution, A fossilized starfish
approximately 135
including myself, have been flailing about in the dark; . . . our data base is million years old
too sparse, too slippery, for it to be able to mold our theories. 3 and a living speci-
men reveal that
The fossils claimed to be those of human beings' so-called ancestors these echinoderms
have remained un-
have been shown to belong to either an extinct species of ape, or a dif-
changed over the
ferent race of human being. As a result, evolutionists are left without a course of over 100
million years.
single proof to substantiate their thesis that human beings and apes
evolved from a single ancestor.
7. They claim that the embryos of human beings and other crea-
tures undergo the same "process of evolution" in their mothers'
womb or in the egg. They even say that a human embryo has gills
that subsequently disappear. These claims have been shown to be
completely unfounded and to rest on a major scientific fabrica-
tion. An evolutionist biologist by the name of Ernst
Haeckel first made this claim; he deliberately made
changes in his drawings to suggest that the em-
bryos were similar to one another. Later, even
evolutionist scientists came to accept that
his claim was based on an unscientific fab- A water scorpion
fossil from the
rication. Carboniferous pe-
8. They think that human beings and riod, some 300 million
years ago, and a
other living things have vestigial organs that have specimen alive today.
lost their function; and even believe that a great deal
of DNA is "junk" with no particular function.
But all these claims are known to be the result
of scientific ignorance. Over time, as science
advanced, it was discovered that all
organs and genes are indeed
functional. This shows
that living creatures do This 1.8 million- to
not have organs that 11,000-year-old fossil
water beetleidentical to
have ceased to function,
specimens alive today, is
through the so-called one of the proofs that all
living things on Earth
process of evolution, as a
have been created by
result of not being used. God.
Rather, it shows that
Adnan Oktar 463