Page 467 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 467

Harun Yahya

             objects of veneration that some false religions use to remind their members of what they regard as sacred.
             Some of the iconic symbols used to support the theory of evolution (which is actually an atheistic reli-
             gion) for its devotees are drawings of the "ape man," "gills on a human embryo," and other such scien-
             tific fabrications. But each one of these depicts a groundless myth. Wells' book, Icons of Evolution: Science

             or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong?, lists ten icons that correspond to the list
             we have given here and explains in detail why all have been rendered invalid.
                 Today these myths are all discredited, and evolutionists have proposed no new proofs to replace
             them. As a theory, Darwinism convinced some people in the 19th century, when scientific conditions

             were unsophisticated. But in the 21st century, Darwinism has been revealed as defunct, outmoded and

                                                                                              Since the late-19th century, the theory of evolu-
                                                                                              tion has been part of the educational curriculum
                                                                                             in Western countries and has been taught as sci-
                                                                                             entific fact to succeeding generations. What stu-
                                                                                               dents are taught, however, flies in the face of

                                                                                              In today's schools and universities, youngsters
                                                                                              are given a Darwinist, materialist education and
                                                                                             people are indoctrinated with a Darwinist, materi-
                                                                                             alist mindset on the television and in newspapers.
                                                                                               These pupils are made to believe from a very
                                                                                               young age that life and the whole universe are
                                                                                              supposedly the work of chance, that human be-
                                                                                             ings have no inherent responsibilities, that life is
                                                                                               a sphere of struggle for survival, and that the
                                                                                             strong are always in the right—and grow up to be-
                                                                                             come a major problem for many communities. It is
                                                                                              this Darwinist, materialist education that lies at
                                                                                             the root of many social problems such as drugs,
                                                                                             alcohol and violence. It is essential that Darwinist
                                                                                              education be put to an end so that young people
                                                                                             can be raised with high moral values and become
                                                                                                            useful to society.

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