Page 466 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 466

these creatures, with all their organs
                                                                                                   and component parts, are not the work
                                                                                                   of chance but of a perfect creation.
                                                                                                       9. They think that the variation in a

                                                                                                  single species—for example, the differ-
                                                                                                  ences in the size and shape of the bills
                                                                                                  of the Galapagos Islands' finches—is a
                                                                                                  strong proof of evolution. But this is

                                                                                                  known to be no proof of evolution:
                                                                                                  Micro-changes in the structure of a
                                                                                                  bird's bill cannot create new biological
                                                                                                  data, in the form of new organs, and so
                                                                              The American bi-
                                                                              ologist Jonathan    do not constitute evolution. As a re-
                                                                                Wells and his     sult, even neo-Darwinists today real-
                                                                               book, "Icons of
                                                                                  Evolution:       ize that some variations within a
                                                                                 Science or        species cannot result in evolution.
                                                                              Myth? Why Much
                                                                                 of What We            10. They believe that mutations in
                                                                                 Teach About       experiments with fruit flies have been
                                                                                 Evolution is      able to produce new species. But these
                                                                                                   experiments produced only physi-

                                                                                                  cally impaired or sterile individuals,
                                                       and no "beneficial" mutation was observed. Even in the case of mutations
                                  produced under the control of knowledgeable scientists, no new species were formed; this
                        proves that there is no such thing as evolution. Therefore, it is impossible to point to mutations as proof

                                                                                      of evolution.
                                                                                                 A large number of those interviewed, if
                                                                                               asked why they believe in evolution,
                                            A fossilized fern dating back to
                                            the Carboniferous period (354                       would actually know very few of the ex-
                                            to 290 million years ago) and a                       amples mentioned above, or know
                                                specimen alive today.
                                                                                                   them only superficially. These myths
                                                                                                   they read about a few times or heard
                                                                                                    about from their high-school teachers

                                                                                                    have convinced them of evolution,
                                                                                                     and they see no reason to investigate
                                                                                                         However, every one of the sup-

                                                                                                     posed proofs above is completely in-
                                                                                                     valid. This is no groundless claim,
                                                                                                     but a fact proven with solid evidence
                                                                                                    by scientists critical of the theory of

                                                                                                    evolution—as we'll explore in the fol-
                                                                                                   lowing pages.
                                                                                                       In his criticism of Darwinism, a
                                                                                                  well-known         American        biologist,
                                                                                                 Jonathan Wells, refers to the myths of
                                                                                                evolution as "the icons of evolution." By
                                                                                              "icons," he means false and superstitious
                                                                                             beliefs that every supporter of evolution

                                                                                            knows by heart. The word "icon" describes

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