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lion years ago—and thus should have had an effect on the coelacanth, which had already been in existence
for 150 million years. Yet for some reason, and despite the changes to its environment, the animal exhibited
no alterations at all.
Focus magazine described the position as follows:
According to the scientific facts, all the continents were joined together some 250 million years ago. This
enormous area of land was surrounded by a single giant ocean. Around 125 million years ago, the Indian
Ocean opened up as the result of continents changing places. The volcanic caves in the Indian Ocean, which
form a large part of the coelacanth's natural habitat, came about under the influence of this movement of con-
tinents. An important truth emerges in the light of all these facts. These animals, which have been in existence
for some 400 million years, have remained unchanged despite the many changes in their natural environ-
ment! 29
This state of affairs precludes any possibility of further debate and confirms that this fish has remained
unchanged for millions of years—in other words, that it never evolved. In his book The Story of the Coelacanth,
Prof. Keith S. Thomson has this to say on the subject:
Similarly, for instance, the oldest known Coelacanth (Diplocercides) possessed a rostral organ (the term used
by zoologists to refer to the sac filled with a jelly-like substance in the skull, and the six tubes attached to it),
a special skull articulation, a hollow spinal chord (notochord) and few teeth. In the same way that this shows
A 240-million-year-old
coelacanth fossil found
in Madagascar
52 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2