Page 57 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 57

Harun Yahya

             entists agreed that this organ is responsible for detecting electromagnetic currents. The fact that this perfect
             organ is present in even the most ancient coelacanth fossils, together with its other complex structures, gives
             rise to a difficulty that evolutionists are unable to resolve.
                 The problem was described as follows in Focus magazine:

                                                                             According to fossils, fish emerged some 470 million
                                                                                 years ago. The coelacanth emerged 60 million
                                                                                  years after that. It is astonishing that this crea-
                                                                                   ture, which would be expected to possess
                                                                                    very primitive features, actually has a most
                                                                                    complex structure.  32

                                                                                        For evolutionists expect a gradual evolu-
                                                                                   tionary process. The appearance of the coela-

                                                                             canth with its complex structures, at a time when
                                                        they expect fictitious primitive life forms to have existed, is of course
                                          astonishing. However, for rational people—able to comprehend that God has cre-
                                            ated all living things and their complex structures in the form and at the time of
                                             His choosing—there is nothing at all surprising about it. The flawless specimens
                                              created by God are all means whereby we can appreciate His might and power.

                                                    A coelacanth caught and frozen in 1966 provided new information about
                                                the animal's blood. Apart from the coelacanth, all bony fish (Osteichthyes)
                                                 meet their water requirements by drinking sea water and expelling the ex-
                                                 cess salt from their bodies. The coelacanth's system, however, resembles that

                                                  in cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), which include the shark. The shark
                                                  converts the ammonia released as the result of the breaking down of pro-
                                                  teins into urea, and maintains a level of urea in its bloodstream that would
                                                 be lethal to human beings. It adjusts the level of these substances in its blood
                                                 according to the salinity of the water around it. Since the blood assumes an
                                                isotonic level with the sea water around it (since the internal and external os-

                                                motic pressures are equalized, achieving the same intensity), no water is lost
                                               to the outside.
                                                   It was revealed that the coelacanth's liver possesses the enzymes necessary
                                              to manufacture urea. In other words, it has unique blood properties not found
                                             in any other members of its class and that emerged only tens of millions of years

                                           later in sharks—members of an entirely different classification. All this goes to
                                          show that the coelacanth, portrayed as the greatest link in the supposed evolution
                                        of living things, refutes all evolutionist claims, as do countless specimens still living
                                        This example clearly demonstrates the kind of wide-ranging propaganda that evolu-
                                 tionists are capable of, based on a single fossil, and how they are able to disseminate that

                              deception with no concrete evidence. Even after the capture of a living coelacanth, notice that
                            they still did not abandon their claims, but continued looking in the living specimen for "a fin
                          undergoing changes to permit walking." They found no evidence to the effect that the coelacanth,
                       whose complex features clearly show it to have been created, was an intermediate form.
                         They sought to produce evidence against God, but He eliminated all their false proofs. What there

                  is instead, is proof of an immaculate creation.

                                                                                                                          Adnan Oktar    55
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