Page 53 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 53

Harun Yahya

                                                                            THE COELACANTH
                                                                            THE COELACANTH
                                                 A 410-MILLION-YEAR-
                                                 OLD COELACANTH                  IS A BOTTOM-DWELLING FISH
                                                                                 IS A BOTTOM-DWELLING FISH
                                                 FOSSIL                               FOUND IN DEEP WATERS.
                                                                                      FOUND IN DEEP WATERS.

              Many living coelacanths were
              caught after 1938. It was thus re-
              vealed that these fish lived in deep
              ocean waters and never rose above
              180 meters. It emerged that the
              coelacanth was not, as Darwinists
              had long claimed, an intermediate
              form, but a "living fossil" that had
              survived unchanged for 400 mil-
              lion years.

                 In addition, the fish, which had been portrayed as a precursor of reptiles, about to emerge onto dry land,
             was a bottom-dwelling animal, living in the depths of the ocean and never rising above 180 meters. Even
             raising it into shallow water led to its death. Therefore, according to Millot, this creature that should have
             represented the "missing link" they were searching for lacked all the primitive characteristics of a life form
             alleged to be undergoing a process of evolution. In other words, the fish was no intermediate form and had
             lived in the ocean depths with exactly the same complex features for the last 400 million years.
                 In an article published in Nature magazine, the evolutionist paleontologist Peter Forey said the follow-

                 The discovery of Latimeria [the scientific name of the coelacanth] raised hopes of gathering direct informa-

                 tion on the transition of fish to amphibians, for there was then a long-held belief that coelacanths were close
                 to the ancestry of tetrapods. . . . But studies of the anatomy and physiology of Latimeria have found this the-
                 ory of relationship to be wanting and the living coelacanth's reputation as a missing link seems unjustified.   27

                 All the coelacanths subsequently encountered and studied in their natural habitats again confirmed this
             fact, and in an even more explicit manner. The idea that the creature had fins undergoing a process of change
             to enable it to walk was no more than a deception. As the German evolutionist and biologist Hans Fricke,
             from the Max Planck Institute, said, "I confess I'm sorry we never saw a coelacanth walk on its fins."            28

                 For Darwinists, the existence and numbers of living fossils was enough of a dilemma all by itself. But
             when the coelacanth—which they had depicted as an intermediate form and used as propaganda however
             they chose and portrayed as the "greatest proof of evolution"—turned out to be another living fossil, the
             problem facing them became a very great difficulty.
                 This state of affairs did away with all the theories developed by evolutionists regarding living fossils.
             Darwinists had claimed that in order for a life form to remain unchanged, it had to be "generalized." That is,

             in order to remain the same, a creature had to be able to live in any environment and feed in every possible
             way. But with the coelacanth, they were now faced with a highly complex and "specialized" species. The
             coelacanth lived in deep waters, in a specific environment, and had its own particular way of feeding. This
             meant that all these claims made by evolutionists were untrue.
                 How had this fish managed to withstand changes on the Earth during the course of its own history and

             thus remained unchanged? According to evolutionists, the continents had undergone changes some 250 mil-

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