Page 48 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 48
arwinists are unable to point to a single fossil demonstrating that living things
D evolved. But meanwhile, the millions of fossils on display in hundreds of mu-
seums, concealed in the vaults of a great many museums, conserved in many uni-
versities' palaeontology departments or kept in the collections of scientists and
researchers all tell us that living things were created. Faced with the increasing
numbers of these unchanged fossils, evolutionists have no other alternative but to
accept that they do not support evolution.
Indeed, many evolutionists now admit that although the fossil record is exceed-
ingly rich, this wealth does not support evolution—that, on the contrary, it invali-
dates it. One such figure is Prof. T. Neville George of Glasgow University:
There is no need to apologize any longer for the poverty of the fossil record.
In some ways it has become almost unmanageably rich, and discovery is out-
pacing integration . . . The fossil record nevertheless continues to be com-
posed mainly of gaps. (T. Neville George, "Fossils in Evolutionary
Perspective," Science Progress, Vol. 48, January 1960, p. 1.)
46 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2