Page 44 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 44

Moreover, this applies not just to the salamander,
                     but also to countless species and examples of living fos-
                     sils today, and you shall be seeing specimens of these in
                     later chapters of this book. Countless specimens con-

                     firm the stasis in the fossil record, as stated by the evo-
                     lutionist Niles Eldredge, a paleontologist from the
                     American Museum of Natural History:

                          Stasis is now abundantly well documented as the pre-
                          eminent paleontological pattern in the evolutionary
                          history of species.  15

                          The specimens discovered prove that millions of
                     years ago, a great many living things had the same
                     anatomical features as they do today. In fact, as much
                     so that 84% of the insect family that existed 100 mil-

                     lion years ago is also alive today.        16  The botanist
                     Margaret Helder cites Niles Eldredge's views and de-
                     scribes this magnificent diversity in living fossils

                          Characterization of an organism as a living fossil basi-
                          cally depends upon the degree of similarity the viewer

                          seeks between living and fossil creatures. If the defini-
                          tion is in terms of general categories of organism, such           110-million-year-old scorpion and 108- to 92-mil-
                          as sponges in general, or ferns in general, or even spe-           lion-year-old grasshopper fossils show that these
                                                                                             creatures have maintained the exact same struc-
                          cific groups of ferns, then, says Niles Eldredge, ". . .
                                                                                             tures and characteristics for tens of millions of years
                          by such a yardstick, virtually everything is a liv-                and that they have never changed. In other words,

                          ing fossil." 17  Whether one allows one's defini-                  they have never undergone evolution.
                          tion to be this broad or not, it is safe to
                          conclude that living fossils are not rare.  18

                          No doubt, the emergence of these life
                     forms in large numbers comes as no sur-
                     prise to any rational individual. If
                     people can see that God has created

                     all living things, then they can also
                     understand the proofs that manifest
                     themselves in the fossil record.
                     Throughout the history of life, or-
                     ganisms did not evolve, but
                     emerged suddenly and with the

                     most complex and most perfect fea-
                          This goes to show that all living
                     things are created. It is easy for God
                     to create a living thing that exists

                     today with the same astounding
                     characteristics that He also created
                     millions of years ago. For those able
                     to appreciate this, the existence of
                     living fossils is one of the proofs of
                     God's creation. The Earth provides

                 42 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2
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