Page 39 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 39

Harun Yahya

                                                                                                He Who has created all things in the

                                                                                                  best possible way. He commenced
                                                                                                 the creation of man from clay; then

                                                                                                 produced his seed from an extract of
                                                                                                   base fluid; then formed him and

                                                                                                   breathed His spirit into him and

                                                                                                 gave you hearing, sight and hearts.
                                                                                                What little thanks you show! (Surat

                                                                                                              as-Sajda: 7-9)

           . In addition to being well protected, the eyes have been located in a region of the body that permits the
           most comfortable and efficient form of vision. What would happen if the eyes were located somewhere
           else in the face—under the nose, for instance? This would present the danger of possible injury and also
           give the face an unpleasant appearance. In terms of sight, our vision would be far more limited than it ac-
           tually is.

           . In all respects, the fact that the eyes are ideally located and shaped symmetrically is also excellent in aes-
           thetic terms. The average distance between the eyes is the width of a single eye. When this proportion is
           altered—that is, when the distance between the eyes is greater or smaller than that, then the whole ex-
           pression of the face is altered.

           . The eye, together with all its features, is one of the proofs that human beings are created by God. In the
           Qur'an, God informs us that:

               It is God Who made the Earth a stable home for you and the sky a dome, and formed you, giving you the best of
               forms, and provided you with good and wholesome things. That is God, your Lord. Blessed be God, the Lord of

               all the worlds. (Surah Ghafir, 64)

           However, evolutionists claim that the eye gradually came into possession of its flawless structure under

           the effects of random mutations. According to this claim, a succession of random and unintentional coin-
           cidences took place over the course of millions of years and therefore, the eye underwent millions of dif-
           ferent abnormalities before finally attaining this final immaculate structure. For example, there should
           have been eyes that emerged on human beings' feet or backs rather than in their heads, in large numbers
           resembling insects' compound eyes rather than two eyes arranged symmetrically, that soon became blind
           because they possessed no tear glands, that light could not pass through because the cornea was not trans-
           parent and therefore made vision impossible, or that lost the ability to see in the event of even a small
           change in the light because the iris had not yet emerged. Furthermore, these are just a few of the possible
           abnormalities. Bearing in mind all the eyes' components and their functions, we can imagine millions of

           possible defective eye forms.

           The fact is, however, that to date not a single fossil specimen with such abnormal and defective eye struc-
           tures has ever been found. All the organisms in the fossil record possess their own perfect visual systems.
           This shows that the theory of evolution's claim of living things coming into being through minute changes
           is a deception.

                                                                                                                          Adnan Oktar    37
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