Page 37 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 37
Harun Yahya
Yet not a single example exists. A great many human
fossils with two, three or four heads; with hun-
dreds of eyes like insects, with several arms
and even arms two or three meters in
length and many other such abnormali-
ties should have been found. Similarly,
there should be abnormal specimens
from every plant and animal
species. Intermediate fossils of all
marine creatures should also
have engendered abnormal indi-
viduals. Yet there exists not a
single one. All the millions of
fossils belong to perfectly normal
living things.
This fact is a clear expression of the col-
lapse of the theory of evolution. No ratio-
nal person can possibly espouse the theory in the
hope that these exceptions will one day be found, even
though every fossil discovered over the last 150 years refutes the
theory of evolution. One hundred and fifty years have gone by, no
fossil bed on Earth has remained unexcavated, and millions of dol-
lars have been spent. But the transitional fossils
that Darwin expected have not been
found. On the other hand, we
do have millions of "living
fossils" that reveal the
fact of Creation.
Adnan Oktar 35