Page 41 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 41
Harun Yahya
A 49-million-year-old fossil frog discovered in Germany
is identical to specimens alive today.
Darwin described the living things in ques-
tion as "lowly organised forms" and for that rea-
son, attempted to portray the issue as a very
minor one by ascribing a supposed justification
for their survival. Yet these fossils are identical
to present-day specimens. They have exceed-
ingly developed characteristics. And their sur-
vival cannot be explained away with the few
pretexts that even Darwin had difficulty in be-
For those who came after Darwin, the prob-
lem was far less limited than it had been back in
Darwin's own day. The number of fossils un-
earthed from a great many of the Earth's strata
was growing into the millions. Their search for
intermediate forms ended in the discovery of
living fossils: Remains emerged from strata mil-
lions of years old in the same forms that their
living counterparts possess today, and this repre-
sents one of the most significant proofs of the
state of collapse facing the theory of evolution.
Darwin may have been uneasy at the exis-
tence of living fossils in his own day, but he re-
mained unaware of just how wide-ranging they
were, and was ignorant of how many such fos-
silized specimens would emerge in future years.
Later years constantly produced specimens of
Confronted by this fossil, which lived 95 million years ago and is identical to present-day sharks,
Darwinists have no alternative but to admit that their theories are merely the product of fantasy.
Adnan Oktar 39