Page 45 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 45
Harun Yahya
no evidence of evolution as claimed by Darwin, but confirms the fact of Creation. Niles Eldredge is just one
of the evolutionists who admit as much:
Simple extrapolation does not work. I found that out back in the 1960s as I tried in vain to document exam-
ples of the kind of slow, steady directional change we all thought ought to be there, ever since Darwin told us
that natural selection should leave precisely such a telltale signal as we collect our fossils up cliff faces. I
found instead, that once species appear in the fossil record, they tend not to change much at all. Species re-
main imperturbably, implacably resistant to chance as a matter of course. 19
All this goes to show that evolutionist claims along the lines of "evidence in the fossil record," "the evo-
lutionary process," and "gradual or punctuated change in living things" are all mere speculation. Nobody
looking at the facts can believe such Darwinian conjecture—speculative claims that are demolished in a
more detailed manner in subsequent chapters.
In the same way that the theory of evolution cannot
account for the origin of life, it is also helpless in the
face of the variety of species.
Pierre-Paul Grassé, the world-famous French zoologist and evolutionist, sets out the evolution error in
The "evolution in action" of J. Huxley and other biologists is simply the observation of demographic facts,
local fluctuations of genotypes, geographical distributions. Often the species concerned have remained prac-
tically unchanged for hundreds of centuries! Fluctuation as a result of circumstances, with prior modification
of the genome, does not imply evolution, and we have tangible proof of this in many panchronic species [i.e.
living fossils that remain unchanged for millions of years]. . . 20
It is essential for governments in countries where living fossil specimens are unearthed to give them
prominence and present them to the world as important scientific evidence. Otherwise, a conception that
flies in the face of the scientific facts—in other words, the theory of evolution—will continue to enjoy blind
support by way of propaganda and deception. The fossil record documenting the history of life on Earth
demonstrates that living things never evolved, but appeared suddenly together with all their complex char-
acteristics. In other words, fossils document the fact of Creation.
Adnan Oktar 43