Page 42 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 42
living fossils instead of the intermediate forms that Darwin expected,
which dealt a major disappointment to him and his theory.
So far, over millions of living fossils have been unearthed from the
Earth's strata. While some of these are given prominence in the media,
the great majority has been consigned to the vaults of various muse-
ums. However, the existence of living fossils is too great to be cov-
ered up by hiding them away because every fossil-bearing stratum
investigated constantly produces new specimens of living fossils.
Those who follow developments in the press may imagine that
there are only a very few living fossils, and are unearthed only
rarely. Yet that is not at all the case. These fossils—earlier represen-
tatives of present-day life forms, but millions of years old—are
found everywhere.
This stasis in the fossil record, for which Darwin was
unable to account, couldn't be explained by those who came
after Darwin, either. Initially, evolutionists maintained that
(for example) 350-million-year-old cockroaches had re-
mained unchanged because "They were able to live in all
environments and feed in all kinds of ways."
Evolutionists almost never discussed the question of
how a 350-million-year-old insect first emerged complete,
with all its complex features in a period that was, according
to the evolutionists themselves, exceedingly primitive.
They deliberately ignored the fact that no matter how well
it had adapted to its environment, this in-
sect should nevertheless, according to the
Excavations carried out all over
claim of the theory of evolution, have grad- the world for the last 150 years
ually developed. have produced not a single fossil
to support evolution. All the fos-
Then other similar claims were subse-
sils unearthed confirm the fact of
quently made for other life forms. Although
a tuatara lizard 200 million years old had
come down unchanged to the present day,
they still maintained that all living things
underwent gradual evolution. Yet for some
reason, this claim did not apply to rapidly-
multiplying cockroaches and to archaebac-
teria—which can multiply even in minutes,
but of which fossils have been found dating
back 3.5 billion years!
That is why evolutionists attach promi-
nent importance to only some living fossils.
Making up unscientific, illogical and incon-
sistent justifications for a few examples is
nothing out of the ordinary for evolution-
ists. If all living fossils were given equal
A 125-million-year old fossil
prominence, it would be neither possible
cockroach represents a heavy
nor credible to make up a justification for blow to the theory of evolu-
the existence of every single one. tion, which claims that living
New Scientist magazine described evolu- things are in a constant state
of development. These ani-
tionists' constant need to find invalid ex-
mals have remained un-
cuses, and the way that these failed to bear changed over the ensuing
millions of years.
40 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2