Page 6 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 6
not have a railway station and the nearest 7,50,000 and is projected to grow to 19,00,000
METRO LINE BETWEEN railway station is Hazarat Nizamuddin, which by the year 2021.People from Delhi and
NOIDA AND GREATER NOIDA is at a distance of about 15 km and the nearest surrounding area prefer NOIDA for settlement.
GETS A NOD airport Delhi is at about 30 km from Noida. Greater Noida, also envisaged as a satellite
town to control the migration to Delhi, is
planned to have a population of 12,00,000 and
employment potential of 4,50,000 by 2021.
RS. 2552 CR
bagged an engineering, procurement and
construction order worth Rs 1,223 cr from
Aurangabad Industrial Township Limited
They will jointly engage in construction of
roads, drains, bridges, potable water
network, sewage and common effluent
treatment plants, sewerage and recycled
water network, firefighting system and power
distribution system including GIS sub-station
in the Bidkin industrial area of Aurangabad in
Greater Noida does not have a railway station
This is the second mega order in this
The Centre has cleared the 30-km long and the nearest railway station is Boraki, which
category received by L&T Construction after
Noida-Greater Noida Metro Rail Project, is at 3 km from the proposed terminal metro
the prestigious Dholera SIR Infrastructure
which is estimated to come up at a cost of station at Greater Noida. The nearest airport is
project of Gujarat.
Rs 5,503 crore. After its completion, the Delhi at about 45 km from Greater Noida. The
project is likely to reduce congestion in the population is expected to grow exponentially in Water & Effluent Treatment Business has
national capital by encouraging residence Noida -Greater Noida region in the coming bagged another large order of Rs 1,329
and travel in the satellite towns. years. crore from Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority for implementation of
The project approved by the Union cabinet, The project is scheduled to be completed by Surya Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme
chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a April, 2018 as per the Detailed Project Report for Western Sub Region of Mumbai.The
bid to boost connectivity will be implemented (DPR). About 70% progress of civil work and project includes construction of intake
by Noida Metro Rail Corporation Limited 40% of overall financial progress of the project structures, a water treatment plant of 419
(NMRCL), a 50-50 jointly owned by the Centre have been achieved. million litres per day (MLD) capacity and a
and the Uttar Pradesh government. clear water pump-house along with
The Project will be covered under the legal associated electro-mechanical and
The existing NMRCL which is a State owned framework of Central Metro Acts, Metro instrumentation works, pipeline network,
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 tunnels and storage structures at Mira
converted into a joint SPV of Government of and the Metro Railways (Operation and Bhayandar and Vasai Virar.
India (Gol) and Government of Uttar Pradesh Maintenance) Act, 2002, as amended from
Earlier this month L&T announced it had won
(GoUP), for implementation of the project. time to time.
a turnkey order worth Rs 1,324 crore from
Andhra Pradesh Township Infrastructure
As per a government press release, The Noida city, located in Gautam Buddha
Development Corporation as well as orders
population of people in Noida-Greater Noida is Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh State
worth Rs 540 crore for works in power
about 7.50 Lakh and the approval of this metro possesses all modern amenities and is
sector, include building a section of
link is believed to benefit people of considered to be one of the most modern
transmission lime for Power Grid Corporation
surrounding areas. Noida mainly has road suburbs of Delhi in the National Capital Region
of India and developing of 50 MW grid
linkages with Delhi and the adjoining areas of (NCR). The population of Noida and Greater
connected Solar PV project in Tamil Nadu for
Uttar Pradesh and Haryana State. Noida does Noida as per 2011 Census of India is about