Page 8 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 8

MALAYSIA TO BE THE FIRST            country in the world to use the CMA   that the study was still underway and the
               COUNTRY TO USE                technology.                          sites were being monitored closely by the
             RUBBERIZED ROAD                                                      authorities.
                  TECHNIQUE                  Federal Road FT 001, a 40km road from
                                             Kampung Desa Bertemu Jodoh to Kampung   Tests are being carried at the sites
                                                             Kwong Sai, is set to   concerned and in the lab as well. So far,
                                                             create history – 10km of   they have been receiving positive data from
                                                             the route will be given   the CMA study.
                                                             the CMA “treatment”,
                                                             making it the first   To produce CMA, the coagulated rubber
                                                             stretch of road in the   (fresh cuplump) from the tree has to be
                                                             country to be        mixed with bitumen to produce bituminous
                                                             resurfaced using the   cuplump (BC). The BC is then mixed with
                                                             coagulated rubber    conventional bitumen to produce cuplump
                                                             technology. Work on   modified bitumen and when asphalt is added
                                                             this project is expected   to this mixture, CMA is produced.
                                                             to start in August.
                                                                                  However, the cost of road construction using
                                                             The project is also   CMA is higher at RM53.60 per metre,
                                                             expected to act as a   compared with RM29.90 a metre using the
                                                             stimulus to the flagging   conventional method. But in the long run,
                                                             rubber industry and   CMA roads can prove to be more
                                                             renew the hopes of the   economical as they will last longer and are
                                                             440,000 or so rubber   cheaper to maintain as well.
                                             smallholders who have been impacted by
                                             the commodity's downward price trend in   Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof
        Over the past two years, the Malaysian   recent years.Considering that CMA requires   said that among the things they are studying
        Rubber Board (MRB) and Public Works   an estimated 4.2 tonnes of coagulated   is the structural condition of the road, its
        Department (PWD) have been involved in a   rubber for every kilometer of road, wider   resilience and the defects that might appear
        joint study to determine the effectiveness of   application of the technology will boost   after the monitoring period.
        using Cuplump Modified Asphalt (CMA) for   demand for rubber and help to stabilize its
        road construction or resurfacing works which   price.                     Fadillah said that the lab tests on CMA had
                                                                                  so far produced positive results. According
        will make the roads more durable and at the
        same time, a much-needed shot in the arm   MRB and JKR had signed a memorandum   to other reports, the CMA technology has
        for the local rubber industry.       of agreement (MoA) in June 2015 to   proven to improve the resilience and
                                             undertake joint research on the use of   durability of roads in terms of resistance to
        Cuplump is freshly coagulated rubber, where   coagulated rubber or cuplump as an   cracking of the road surface.
        the coagulation process takes place in the   additional material in asphalt for road
        cup at the tree with no manufacturing   construction purposes.            Cuplump has also been found to increase
                                                                                  the viscosity of the asphalt mixture, thus
        process being involved; CMA is a mixture of
        bituminous cuplump and asphalt, which is a   At the signing ceremony, Plantation   rendering it more resistant to higher
        composite material that is mainly used for   Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk   temperatures.During midday the road
        the paving of road surfaces.         Amar Douglas Uggah Embas had said that   temperature can go up to 60°C and the heat
                                             the use of cuplump was expected to   can cause conventional road building
        This will be a possible scenario in the   increase domestic usage of rubber by 10   materials to soften and render the road
        country in the near future if an innovative   percent annually.           surface uneven, more so if a lot of heavy
        road building technique using coagulated                                  vehicles ply the route.
        rubber, currently in the experimental stage,   The MoA saw the two agencies carrying out
        is implemented on a wide scale.      research on CMA at three road sites in   On the other hand, bituminous cuplump is
                                             Tampin, Negeri Sembilan; Baling, Kedah;   more heat-resistant as its softening point
        According to MRB, the study has been   and Temerloh, Pahang.              temperature is higher than that of
                                                                                  conventional bitumen, thus making it (CMA)
        yielding positive results so far and when
        implemented, Malaysia will be the first   PWD senior engineer Roziawati Razali said   a viable alternative for road construction.
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