Page 11 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 11
GMR INFRASTRUCTURE TO The new Kastelli Airport, once completed, expressway to connect Jhansi with
DEVELOP NEW will replace Heraklion airport, the company Allahabad via Chitrakoot would also be
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT said in the release. constructed.
IN CRETE ISLAND, GREECE "We are excited about the project and the Economically backward Western Uttar
opportunity to partner with GEK Terna in
Pradesh and Bundelkhand would be
Greece. This new airport will definitely boost
brought on the path of development for the
the tourism industry and aid the growth of
first time through these projects.
international tourists that Greece has been
witnessing over the past couple of years. The projects, cleared during Uttar Pradesh
The airport is in line with the asset lite Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's meeting
strategy we have adopted for overseas with Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari,
expansion and will see GMR participate in include up-gradation of 73 state highways
project management and commercial into national highways with a total length of
management in addition to airport 6,260 km.
operations," Srinivas Bommidala, Business
GMR Infrastructure to develop new Chairman, GMR Airports was quoted in the Gadkari also assured him of upgrading
international airport in Crete island, Greece release. another 15 proposed state highways into
-NEWS national highways.For Allahabad where
GMR Airports Limited, a subsidiary of GMR “Kumbh mela” takes place every 12 years
UTTAR PRADESH TO GETS — the next scheduled for 2019 — 76 km of
Infrastructure Ltd, today announced that it
RS. 10,000 CR WORTH ring road would be developed to augment
has been selected to develop, operate and
ROAD PROJECTS road infrastructure.
manage the New International Airport of
Heraklion at Crete in partnership with Greek
infrastructure major TERNA SA (100%
subsidiary of GEK TERNA Group).
This will be GMR Group's second foray into
Europe after having developed Istanbul's
Sabiha Gokcen airport.
"GMR Airports Limited will be the
designated Airport Operator in the
consortium for this project," said a release
from the airport company.
The scope of the project involves Design,
Construction, Financing, Operation, and
Maintenance & Exploitation of the New
Heraklion Crete International Airport. The They also reached consensus to build ring
concession period for the Greenfield project
The Center gives clearance for Rs10,000 roads in main cities of Uttar Pradesh
will be 35 years including Phase 1
crore worth road projects for the including Lucknow, Gorakhpur, Bareilly,
Construction of five years.
construction and up-gradation of various Kanpur, Moradabad and Meerut. For
roads in Uttar Pradesh. It is the first time Lucknow, seven elevated roads have been
Greece is a major International tourist
that such a large number of schemes approved, the Chief Minister said.
destination, with 24 Mn tourists per annum.
amounting to Rs 10,000 crore have been
Crete is the largest and the most visited During his visit to Delhi, the Uttar Pradesh
cleared for Uttar Pradesh at one go.
island in Greece. Heraklion Airport, located Chief Minister had a meeting with the
in Crete, is the second largest in Greece The approved projects include a six-lane Minister of State for Power Piyush Goyal,
and has witnessed steady traffic growth in expressway to provide better connectivity they discussed important issues like power
the last 3-4 years. The existing Heraklion with Bundelkhand. The six-lane expressway generation and transmission and
Airport is handling over 6 million passengers would connect Tirwa with Jhansi via Agra- improvements in the supply of adequate
annually and is facing capacity constraint. Lucknow expressway. Also a four-lane power to the state.