Page 15 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 15

           ANTI-DUMPING DUTY ON                   UNAFFECTED BY GST                1.5 BN POUNDS FROM
          CHINESE CERAMIC ITEMS                          ROLLOUT                   LONDON HOUSING
         India has imposed anti-dumping duty on   The impact of GST, which is due to be
         import of ceramic table and kitchenware   implemented with effect from July 1, 2017,   India's leading realty firm, Lodha
         items from China to protect domestic   is largely expected to be neutral on the steel   Developers is expecting sales revenue of
         industry against goods being sold at below   sector. While pre GST, rates on steel are at   1.5 billion pounds (over Rs 12,000 crore) in
         normal value.                        18.1%, the GST rates have been kept at   the next three years from two ongoing
                                              18%. Hence the impact will be largely   housing projects in the central parts of this
         The Department of Revenue in the finance   similar to the effective rate based on   city.
         ministry yesterday issued a notification   prevailing excise duty and VAT rate, both of
         imposing the anti-dumping duty of $1.04 per   which would be subsumed under the GST   The Mumbai-based firm is also looking to
         kg on import of ceramic tableware and   going forward. Thus, ICRA said it does not   acquire more projects here to grow the
         kitchenware, excluding knives and toilet   expect any material impact of the GST rate   business.
         items from China.                    on end users of steel products.
                                                                                   It had forayed into the realty market here in
         "The anti-dumping duty imposed shall be   This is part of a report by the ratings agency   2013 with the acquisition of the landmark
         levied for a period not exceeding six months   on impact of GST across various industries   MacDonald House at 1 Grosvenor Square
         (unless revoked, amended or superseded   across the corporate sector. In its Impact   in prime Central London from the Canadian
         earlier)," it said.                  Analysis, ICRA has said the implementation   government for over GBP 300 million (Rs
                                              of GST would have three major implications   3,100 crore).
         It cited investigation by the DGAD which   for the corporate sector. It would expand
         concluded that ceramic tableware and   availability on input tax credit, lead to a   The group acquired another site in prime
         kitchenware, excluding knives and toilet   higher degree of tax compliance with   Central London, New Court at 48 Carey
         items, are being exported from China to   business moving away from unorganized   Street for 90 million pounds in 2014.
         India "below its normal value, resulting in   sector to organized sector, greater
         dumping".                            transparency on tax administration and   The company's arm, Lodha UK launched its
                                              reduce bottlenecks and improve efficiencies   first project Lincoln Square last year and
         The domestic industry, it observed, has   in supply chain and logistics.  has so far achieved a sales booking of 170
         suffered material injury due to dumping.   “Closer to the implementation date,   million pounds.
         The domestic industry, it observed, has   however, we would expect some disruptions
         suffered material injury due to dumping.   and the distribution chain (wholesale and   The second project 'No.1 Grosvenor
                                              retail) gets rid of channel inventory to avoid   Square', located in the heart of Mayfair, has
         The Directorate General of Anti-Dumping   any potential inconvenience post transition.   been launched this week.
         and Allied Duties (DGAD) in its findings   The working capital cycle of the industry is
         recommended imposition of provisional anti-  also expected to expand marginally, post
         dumping duty in order to remove the injury   GST implementation,” the ICRA note added.
         to the domestic industry.

         Through a separate notification, the
         government also extended by one year till
         June 6, 2018 the anti-dumping duty on
         imports of 'plain gypsum plaster boards'
         from China, Indonesia, Thailand and the

         The anti-dumping duty on import of plain
         gypsum plaster boards was first imposed in
         2013 and the DGAD has recommended
         extension of the same. The same will now
         "remain in force up to and inclusive of the
         June 6, 2018", the notification read.

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