Page 14 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 14


         Envision Energy, the second largest wind   commitment, we are patient, he said.   machines and gets the components
         turbine manufacturer in China, intends to   Envision Wind Power Technologies India Pvt   manufactured by other companies. Zhang
         bring its products to India, the company`s   Ltd has been in existence since July 2016.   said Envision would come to India along with
         Founder and Managing                                                                  our OEM partners.
         Director, Lei Zhang, said                                                             For us, India is as big a
         recently.                                                                             market as China, he said.
         We will set up manufacturing                                                          Envision has 2 MW, 3 MW
         facilities for sure, Zhang told                                                       and 4 MW turbines in its
         BusinessLine here, on the                                                             portfolio, but Zhang did not
         sidelines of the 8th Clean                                                            answer a question about
         Energy Ministerial, a policy-                                                         which machine would be
         cum-technical conference of                                                           introduced, saying instead
         clean energy ministers of 25                                                          that his India team would
         countries including India. Zhang                                                      know better.
         was a speaker at the event.                                                           Envision is the third
         Envision has been waiting for                                                         Chinese company
         approvals from the Indian                                                             attempting to enter the
         authorities to begin selling its                                                      growing wind energy
         turbines in India for a year now.                                                     market in India. Earlier,
         Asked about this, Zhang said        In the meantime, all preparations are             Sinovel and Ming Yang tried
         that the company was to be in India for the   happening gradually, he said. Envision has a   unsuccessfully to get their foot in, but neither
         long term.                          somewhat different model than other wind   company went as far as Envision.
         Because we are making a long-term   turbine manufacturers - it designs its


         Solar power solutions provider Vikram Solar   high efficiency modules made in India.   in India commitment, we aspire to expand
         has announced it has achieved 1 GW (1000   Today we pride ourselves in being an Indian   our capacity to 2GW by FY 2020, he further
         MW) of manufacturing capacity                                                           added.
         and outlined its vision to take it
         up to 2 GW by 2020.                                                                     Vikram Solar is driving
         The company, which provides                                                             the manufacturing
         end-to-end solar photovoltaic                                                           backed by its R&D.
         solutions, sees this as a major                                                         During FY 2016-17, the
         contributor towards the 100 GW                                                          company reported Rs.
         target set by the Government                                                            1700 crore revenue, a
         by 2022.                                                                                significant increase
         With a capacity of 1 GW,                                                                compared to Rs. 900
         Vikram Solar believes it is well                                                        crore in FY 2015-16.
         equipped to cater not only to                                                           This was a result of
         the Indian needs but contribute                                                         enhanced scale and
         to the international solar                                                              global scope of
         industry.Gyanesh Chaudhary,                                                             operations. In over a
         MD & CEO, Vikram Solar in a                                                             decade of business,
         statement said, For the past                                                            Vikram Solar business
         decade we have been toiling away, shaping   company to have fortified manufacturing   spans not just in India but across five
         the solar landscape in the country with our   capacity to 1GW.           continents.
                                             In our endeavour to contribute to our make

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