Page 16 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 16

intention to congregate funds as well as get   The group said as part of the agreement it
                                              corporates to participate in faster funding   will maintain Kadubeesanahalli Metro
                                              and completion of transportation projects.  Station including housekeeping and
                                                                                   maintenance along with all the equipment
                                              The construction will be done in accordance
                                                                                   as per specifications laid by the corporation.
                                              with the facade designs and specifications
                                              approved by BMRCL. Embassy has agreed   BMRCL had identified and invited private
                                              to pay the amount in installments. The   entities and companies to sponsor up to 25
                                              period of concession and permission   per cent of the total project cost with an
                                              granted to the real estate company for 30   intention to congregate funds as well as get
                                              years starting from the date of      corporates to participate in faster funding
                                              commencement of commercial operations   and completion of transportation projects.
                                              and could be extended further on mutual
         EMBASSY GROUP TO FUND                                                     Mr. Pradeep Singh Kharola, MD, BMRCL
          CONSTRUCTION OF ORR                                                      said that the MoU signed between BMRCL
               METRO STATION                  Embassy can also use the leasable retail   and the Embassy Group is part of the
                                              space measuring approximately 3000 sq.ft   innovative financing push by Namma Metro
                                              at the metro station and have the    and they strongly believe that it will
         The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd
                                              advantage of leveraging the linear zone of   encourage corporate to come forward and
         (BMRCL) on Friday signed its first
                                              250 m around the Kadubeesanahalli metro   contribute in developing the urban
         memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
                                              station.                             infrastructure and build a well-equipped
         the Embassy Group, as real estate
                                              As part of the agreement,Embassy will   modern city.
         company in Bengaluru to fund the
                                              maintain Kadubeesanahalli Metro Station
         construction of its new 17 km Outer Ring                                  Embassy Group has been very active in
                                              including housekeeping and maintenance
         Road Line between Silk Board and KR                                       developing city infrastructure initiatives and
                                              along with all the equipment as per
         Puram, along the ORR facilitating the                                     they are glad to associate with them on this
                                              specifications laid by the corporation. There
         techies, corporate working here to access                                 project.
                                              will be a ramp access directly to the Metro
         the metro network. The project has been
                                              station from Embassy TechVillage, and a
         taken up under the second phase of the                                    The 13 stations on this route are planned at
                                              dedicated access from the exit point of the
         Namma Metro project and is pegged to Rs                                   KR Puram (interchange with the upcoming
         4200 crores. This line will have 13 stations.                             Purple Line's extension to Whitefield),
                                                                                   Mahadevpura, DRDO Sports Complex,
         Embassy Group to become the first     The private stakeholder will be entitled to   Doddanakundi, ISRO, Marathahalli,
         corporate to invest Rs 100 crores, the funds   utilize the pre-determined spaces for   Kodbisanahalli, Kadubeesanahalli,
         from this tie-up will be used to directly for   advertisements. Embassy can also use the   Bellandur, Ibbalur, Agara Lake, HSR Layout
         the construction of Kadubeesanahalli metro   leasable retail space measuring   and Silk Board (interchange with the
         station along Outer Ring roa. The stationd   approximately 3000 sq.ft at the metro   upcoming RV Road – Bommasandra line).
         is planned to come up right in front of the   station and have the advantage of
         Embassy Tech Village along the booming IT   leveraging the linear zone of 250 m around   A MoU is essentially a non-binding
         corridor.                            the Kadubeesanahalli metro station.  agreement, but this is a good start for a
                                                                                   funding model that has never been tested to
         The line's Detailed Project Report was   Jitu Virwani, Chairman and Managing   this extent in the past.
         prepared by BMRCL in 2016 who estimates   Director, Embassy Group said that  they
         its construction & system procurement to   see this as a positive step by the
         cost Rs 4202 crores. Instead of relying on   government to involve the corporates
         foreign lenders, BMRCL for the first time,   towards improving infrastructure and urban
         came up with innovative funding for this   transportation projects in the city. With the
         line—which means that funds can be   commencement of the project they look
         mobilized by monetizing land around   forward to bring about better public
         stations, giving exclusive advertising rights   infrastructure in the city and continue to
         to third parties etc.                work in close partnership with various
                                              authorities and local city administration on
         BMRCL had identified and invited private   various programs to support communities in
         entities and companies to sponsor up to   and around Bengaluru and their business
         25% of the total project cost with an   parks.

                          JULY-AUGUST 2017
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