Page 18 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 18

MALAYSIA'S FIRST MAJOR             standards by building new platforms,   and Services Tax (GST).
                                             providing lifts and and other passenger
          FDI BOOST IN INDIAN RAIL                                                “GST plus Real Estate (Regulation &
                                             amenities and also maintaining the premises.
                     SECTOR                                                       Development) Act (RERA) will definitely bring
                                             In lieu of this, the railways will allow them to   big relief to house owners.
        Indian Railways had held a road show in   build hotels, malls, cinema halls and shops
                                                                                  There is no scope for evading anything in the
        Malaysia in March this year to showcase   within the station complex.
                                                                                  GST. Input credit will also be transferred,” he
        Investment opportunities in India's rail sector.
                                             In his letter to the Railway Board, CIDB   said at the Aaj Tak-GST conclave.
        Malaysia's state-owned Construction
                                             chairman said Malaysian companies that are
        Industry Development Board (CIDB) in                                      The RERA regulations, came into force in
                                             interested have already identified PPP
        potentially the first major FDI in operation
                                             synergies via their successful transformation   May this year are framed such that there is
        side of railways will participate in the auction
                                             of world class transit-oriented development   no way to escape, he added.
        for redevelopment of Udaipur, Howrah,
                                             projects in Malaysia.
        Indore, Secunderabad, Pune and Faridabad                                  “As a Urban Development and Housing
        railway stations.                    Karim has also sought an extension in time   Minister, I am the happiest man that with the
                                             to submit their initial proposal to the rail   GST, prices of houses will definitely come
        CIDB Holding Malaysia has written to the
                                             board. ET has reviewed a copy of the letter.  down,” Naidu added.
        Railway Board, stating that  it would
        participate in the ongoing Swiss challenge   CIDB was formed by the act of Parliament in   “If anybody is opposing the GST, it is habitual
        bidding process of these shortlisted stations   Malaysia to promote infrastructure and   tax evaders. Larger builders community is
        on behalf of Malaysian companies.    construction activities.             happy, except fly—by— night operators,” he
        The estimated cost of redevelopment of   Railways has prepared a Rs 8 lakh-crore
        these stations would be Rs 5,000 crore, a   capacity expansion plan for the next five   The minister emphasised that the Centre and
        top rail ministry official said.      years. Almost half of it is expected to come   states need to implement the new real estate
                                             from the private sector.             law in an effective manner.
        The Malaysian board had earlier sought
        station redevelopment contracts through   The plan includes electrification of all major   “Land and housing are state subjects. States
        nomination route, but the railways asked it to   routes, increasing the capacity of almost   are implementing agency,” he said, but
        participate in the Swiss challenge auction to   10,000 km of congested routes, bringing in   quickly added that he was not shying away
        win contracts as India does not allow   new signalling system, building safer   from his responsibilities.
        nomination route, said the official cited   coaches, modernising goods yards, making
        earlier.                             the dedicated freight corridors operational   The minister was responding to a query
                                             and introducing high speed trains, besides   about significant delays in housing projects
        Malaysian investment in station
                                             modernization of 400 stations.       in the national capital region, causing
        redevelopment could mark the first major
                                                                                  distress to home buyers and investors.
        foreign investment in the operations side of
        railways. The railway official said that various                           Naidu said he will discuss the issue with the
                                                  HOUSING PRICES TO
        Japanese and South Korean investors have                                  Uttar Pradesh government.
                                                  DECLINE AFTER GST
        also expressed interest in station
                                                    ROLLOUT: NAIDU                Yesterday, the government hiked the GST
        redevelopment projects.
                                                                                  rate for the construction sector to 18 per cent
        Indian Railways has lined up 400 stations for                             from 12 per cent but removed land value
        redevelopment. In the first phase of auction,   Housing prices will come down after the GST   from computation of tax liability.
        23 of them will be awarded under the Swiss   rollout, Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu has
                                                                                  The GST Council had in May decided to levy
        challenge method wherein proposals are   said, while expressing confidence that the
        invited online and rivals can offer                                       12 per cent GST on construction of a
                                             landmark tax regime along with property law
        counterbids.                                                              complex, building, civil structure or intended
                                             will bring relief to home buyers.
                                                                                  for sale to a buyer, wholly or partly.
        The builders will get commercial exploitation
                                             Naidu, the minister for Urban Development
        rights for railway land for 45 years in lieu of                           The value of land was to be included in the
                                             and Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation,
        redeveloping and modernising the existing                                 amount on which tax was to be calculated.
                                             said only fly—by—night operators and
        stations. The successful bidders will be
                                             habitual tax evaders are opposing the Goods
        required to raise the stations to world
                          JULY-AUGUST 2017
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