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       The year 2020 is the beginning     contribution rate will increase by
       of our journey into this brand new   1% until your combined pre-tax
       decade.  With this new beginning   and Roth contribution equals 12%.
       comes many new opportunities to    You can always make your savings
       take a fresh look at our retirement   rate higher or lower. Just be aware
       planning and to realign our retire-  that if you make an election, future
       ment goals with the way we are     automatic contribution increases
       saving.  Kloeckner wants you to    will not occur.
       know, we are here to help!  Again
       this year, we are partnering with   If you don’t want your contri-
       Milliman and SmartDollar to assist   bution to increase, you need to
       you in finding better ways to contin-  opt out or make an alternative
       ue saving for your retirement.     election by February 26, 2020 at     kloeckner3318 or text kmetals to 337989.
                                          4:00 Eastern time. To do so, log
       The following are a few of the paths   on to (go to   Periodically, contest are held where em-
       we’re working on with our partners   Account Details > Account Activity   ployees have the chance to win really cool
                                                                               prizes such as the ones shown below,
       to help you up the gears on your   > Contributions) or contact the      which were given away last October.  So
       savings in 2020:                   Milliman Benefits Service Center     don’t miss your opportunity to claim a
                                          at 1-866-767-1212. If you miss the
       > Last year we implemented the au-  cutoff, you can make changes to     really nice prize by registering today and
                                                                               entering future contest.  Sign up today!
       to-increase  feature  for  your  401(k)   your contribution rate at any time
       contributions.  We will continue this   on
       new tradition in 2020.  Your pre-tax
       contribution rate to the Kloeckner   > Next, Milliman has produced an
       Metals 401(k) Plan will be increased   informational video (https://www.
       by 1% on March 1, 2020. This hap- on
       pens automatically,  so it makes it   ways you can better focus on your
       easier for you to save for retirement.   finances to help your reach your
         o If your date of hire is prior to   retirement savings goals.  Take a
         7/1/18, your pre-tax contribution   peek and let me know what you
         rate was increased by 1% last    think!                               If you need more information or would like to
         year and will increase by another   > And lastly, we continue to part-  discuss your retirement plan, the Benefits Team
         1% this year unless you are al-  ner with SmartDollar as our tech-    is always here to help. Contact us at:
         ready contributing 12% or more.   nology based financial wellness
         o If you were hired after 7/1/18,   tool to also assist you in reaching   Benefits Manager
         this will be the first time your   your financial goals outside of just   Mona L. High
         pre-tax contribution rate will be   planning for retirement.  To register
         increased automatically.         for your free online account, visit:
       Each year in March, your pre-tax
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