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How long have you been part of KloecknerCares?            Also in March, they are having a benefit ball that
                                                                  employees from here will go to. They have tables
         "I have been a part of KloecknerCares since the          set up for us and they have auctions, baskets
        beginning. I was excited when asked if I would like to    to raffle off to help benefit the shelter. Perfect to
        become part of it for our Cincinnati Branch. I give back   spend time with fellow employees but also to help
        as much as I can to the community but I am only one       out a great cause."
        person and I loved the idea to bring the employees
        together and working towards a common goal. More
        people, more voices, and actions to hear and see are
        helping us to make changes one day at a time."            The committee was formed as a subcommittee
                                                                  of the Sustainability Committee to specifically
        What has been your favorite event so far?                 address sustainability as it relates to social
                                                                  responsibility. Kloeckner looks specifically for
        "So far I enjoyed the Socks for Vets we did. A lot of     nonprofit organizations that are set up as a 501c3
        people I work with as well as me have family members      organization.
        who did serve and are now serving. So many people
        here got involved and had fun collecting socks for all the   The 2020 kloecknercares corporate committee
        vets and service women and men. They were always          members are:  Aaron Small, Ron Walker, Steven
        asking me if there was more that needed to be given       Nghe, Jeff Friedman, Mona High, and Bonnie
        and what else could they do to help. It was a great start   Stewart.
        for Kloeckner Cincinnati and they are eager to help out
        again on another project we have coming up."              Each Kloeckner Metals branch has a designated
                                                                  kloecknercares “ambassador”. This is the person
        Why should others join?                                   who helps spread the word to branch employees
                                                                  about volunteer events that they can participate
         "I feel that others should join because this is a        in.  Any member of the committee in the corporate
        great program and will give a lot of meaning to other     office is available to help answer questions and
        people’s lives as it has mine.  You hear a lot of people   offer guidance as needed.
        complaining about things and when you are helping
        those in need you start to feel better about yourself and   Employees should remember that the company
        your community. It has open my eyes to other issues       gives up to 2 VTO days (Volunteer Time Off) that
        going on and every day I make sure to do nice things      are not a part of PTO.   (Please see your local HR
        for others just to make their day better. Imagine if we   Rep for further details on VTO).
        had more people wanting to help make this world a little
        better, we could accomplish so much more."

        What are some events are coming up, if any?

        "Right now Kloeckner Cincinnati is helping out a local
        animal shelter with supplies that they need. Attached
        you will see who we are helping this month.

        One of our employees Billie Jo Weaver volunteers with
        this shelter and always talks about the benefits they           FOR ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING K-CARES
        do to keep helping other animals in need find forever               IN CINCINNATI, PLEASE CONTACT:
        homes. Also, the items they need are everyday cleaning                       KERRIE BAEHR
        supplies we have around the house that could help them             KBAEHR@KLOECKNERMETALS.COM
        out tremendously.

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