Page 22 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
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Warranty does not specify a performance standard for the alleged Defect, the condition (6) GOVERNING LAW, VENUE, ATTORNEYS’ FEES, DRAFTSMEN. This
shall be evaluated under the edition of the Residential Construction Performance Builder Warranty shall be governed, construed, and enforced by the laws of the State of
Guidelines (published by the National Association of Home Builders) in effect at the time Texas and this Agreement shall be performable in the county where the Home is located.
the Home was constructed (NAHB Guidelines). Should such condition not be covered by The venue for any lawsuit, claim, or arbitration arising out of this Contract shall be in the
the Builder Warranty and/or NAHB Guidelines, then such condition shall be evaluated county where the Property is located. If either party employs an attorney to enforce the
according to the usual and customary industry standards in the geographic area where the terms of or defend a claim brought under this Contract, either by arbitration or litigation, the
Home is located. Prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, arbitration fees, court costs
and expenses incurred, subject to the provisions set forth in TPC, Chapter 27. Prevailing
(d) EFFECTIVE DATE OF WARRANTIES. Unless otherwise provided by a written Party shall mean the party who substantially prevails on the claims or defenses they
agreement between the Builder and the initial Owner, a warranty period as described in this asserted without regard to whether such party recovered any relief, direct benefit, or
section for a new Home begins on the earlier of the date of occupancy, Substantial monetary damages. The provisions of this Contract shall be construed without regard to
Completion or transfer of title from the Builder to the initial Owner. A warranty period as the rule requiring adverse inferences to be drawn against the drafter of this Contract.
described in this section for an improvement other than a new Home or for a partially built
Home, which by agreement between Owner and the Builder, someone other than the C. MAKING A WARRANTY REQUEST.
Builder will complete, begins on the date the improvement is Substantially Completed or
the terms of the construction contract are substantially fulfilled. 1. WARRANTY REQUEST. If an Owner tenders a warranty request to Builder, the
Owner must submit such request on the attached Warranty Request Form. The request
(e) LIMITATION OF CLAIMS & REMEDIES. must (1) specify in reasonable detail each alleged Defect subject of the request and when
it was discovered, (2) state the amount of any known out-of-pocket expenses and
(1) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in no event shall engineering or consulting fees incurred by the Owner in connection with each alleged
any damages, inclusive of attorneys’ fees and court costs, awarded against Builder to Defect; (3) include any evidence that depicts the nature and cause of each alleged Defect
Owner pursuant to any cause of action exceed the Total Contract Price of the and the nature and extent of repairs necessary to remedy the Defect, including, if
improvements constructed by Builder for the original Owner and Owner releases Builder available, expert reports, photographs, and videotapes; and (4) state the name of any
from any special, indirect, consequential, incidental, additional, knowing, punitive, or person who has, on behalf of the requestor, inspected the Home in connection with an
exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, mental anguish, diminution of value, loss alleged Defect. Submission of a Warranty Request Form shall not extend applicable
of use or benefit-of-the-bargain, or additional interest, foreseeable or not, arising out of or in coverage periods. No warranty request will be taken by telephone or verbal
connection with any claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty (express or implied), communication. A customer service representative of Builder will make appointments to
violations of the deceptive trade practices act, any tort, or any other bases of liability. evaluate warranty requests and/or its repair only on Monday - Friday, between the hours of
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A written request for warranty performance must be postmarked no
(2) The Builder’s liability and obligations under this Builder Warranty later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the applicable warranty period.
are limited to the repair, replacement or the payment of the reasonable cost of repair or
replacement of warranted items not to exceed an aggregate equal to the Total Contract 2. Deadline to Submit Warranty Request Form. The Builder is only responsible
Price of the Home paid by the original purchaser of the Home to the Builder. The choice to for Defects about which the Builder receives written notice as provided for herein on or
repair, replace or make payment is the Builders. before the second anniversary of the date of discovery of the alleged Defect but in no
event later than thirty days following the expiration of the applicable warranty period, and
(3) Owner acknowledges, understands, and agrees that the only not later than the thirtieth day after the tenth anniversary of (A) the date of the initial
warranty given by Builder to Owner regarding the single-family residence and any transfer of title from the Builder to the initial owner of the Home or improvement or (B) if the
improvements constructed thereon (collectively the Home) is set forth herein. Owner transaction that is the subject of the dispute did not involve a title transfer, the date that the
acknowledges that the terms of this Builder Warranty provide for the manner, performance construction was substantially complete unless otherwise expressly stated herein.
or quality of the desired construction and are clear, specific and sufficiently detailed to
establish the only standards of construction. D. DISPUTE RESOLUTION.
AND UNDERSTANDS THAT OWNER IS WAIVING ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION invoking the arbitration provision set forth below, Owner and Builder agree that they shall
UNDER ANY THEORY OF IMPLIED WARRANTY (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO first try to resolve any dispute arising out of or related to this Builder Warranty through
THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF GOOD AND WORKMANLIKE CONSTRUCTION, conciliation with the Certified Master Builder Corporation in accordance with its controlling
HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) rules and procedures, as amended, which are hereby incorporated by reference. If the
AND THAT ANY SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES, TO THE EXTENT THEY EXIST IN parties cannot resolve the dispute within ninety (90) days after a party delivers a written
TEXAS, ARE EXPRESSLY WAIVED, REPLACED, AND SUPERSEDED BY THE notice of such dispute, then the parties shall proceed to arbitration in accordance with the
BUILDER WARRANTY. following subparagraph.
(f) CONDITIONS OF WARRANTY. 2. ARBITRATION. Any and all disputes or claims arising out of or relating to
this Builder Warranty or the breach thereof, bodily injury, personal property
(1) CONDITION OF PAYMENT. Prior to payment for the reasonable cost damage, the Improvements, Property, and/or representations made by the Builder
of repair or replacement of warranted items, you must sign and deliver to Builder a full and Parties (Dispute) shall be settled by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator
unconditional release, in recordable form, of all legal obligations with respect to the with the American Arbitration Association (AAA) per its Construction Industry
warranted Defects and any conditions arising from the warranted items. Arbitration Rules. If the Dispute cannot be heard by the AAA for any reason, the
Dispute shall be heard by an arbitrator mutually selected by the parties. If the
(2) PROPER MAINTENANCE. Any Builder obligation herein is parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, then either party may petition an
conditioned upon your proper maintenance of the Home and grounds to prevent damage appropriate court to appoint an arbitrator. Arbitration shall be subject to 9 U.S.C. § 1
due to neglect, abnormal use or improper maintenance. et seq. and/or Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, Chapter 171. If either party files suit in
violation of this paragraph, such party shall reimburse the other for their costs and
(3) NOTICES. All notices required under this Builder Warranty must be expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred in seeking abatement of such suit and
in writing and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the recipient’s address or to enforcement of this paragraph. Any arbitrator who is selected, nominated,
whatever address the recipient may designate in writing. appointed, or otherwise agreed to by the Parties shall be a licensed Texas attorney
in good standing and have experience representing clients in interpreting or
(4) UNAPPROVED REIMBURSEMENTS. Costs incurred for unauthorized adjudicating contract rights and claims involving financing, construction,
repairs to warranted items are not reimbursable. Written authorization prior to incurring operations, and/or maintenance of residential construction projects. Owner and
expenses must be obtained from the Builder. Builder waive their right to a jury trial of any Dispute.
(5) INVALIDITY OF PROVISION. If any term, provision, covenant or
condition of this Builder Warranty is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect
and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.