Page 27 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
P. 27
5.14 Trim shall not have a nail stain. If trim has a nail stain, the Builder shall take Surfaces altered incident to any repair
such action as necessary to bring the will be finished or touched up to match
variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
MASONRY 6.1 A masonry wall shall not bow in an If a masonry wall fails to meet the standard, The standard set forth in this
amount equal to or in excess of one the Builder shall take such action as subsection does not apply to natural
inch when measured from the base to necessary to bring the variance within the stone products.
the top of the wall. standard.
6.2 A masonry unit or mortar shall not be If a masonry unit or mortar fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
broken or loose. standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
the standard. practical.
6.3 A masonry mortar crack shall not equal If a crack in masonry mortar fails to meet Surfaces altered incident to any repair
or exceed 1/8 of an inch in width. the standard, the Builder shall take such will be finished or touched up to match
action as necessary to bring the variance the surrounding area as closely as
within the standard. practical.
6.4 A masonry unit or mortar shall not If a masonry unit or mortar fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
deteriorate. standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
the standard. practical.
6.5 Masonry shall not have dirt, stain or If masonry fails to meet the standard, the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
debris on the surface due to Builder shall take such action as necessary will be finished or touched up to match
construction activities. to bring the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
6.6 A gap between masonry and adjacent If a gap between masonry and adjacent Surfaces altered incident to any repair
material shall not equal or exceed of material fails to meet the standards, the will be finished or touched up to match
an inch in average width and all such Builder shall take such action as necessary the surrounding area as closely as
gaps shall be caulked. to bring the variance within the standard. practical.
6.7 Mortar shall not obstruct a functional If the mortar obstructs a functional opening, The Owner shall not put any material
opening, such as a vent, weep hole or the Builder shall take such action as into weep holes. Weep holes are an
plumbing cleanout. necessary to bring the variance within the integral part of the wall drainage
standard. system and must remain
STUCCO 7.1 Stucco surfaces shall not be If a stucco surface fails to perform as This standard shall not apply to
excessively bowed, uneven, or wavy stated, the Builder shall take such action as decorative finishes.
necessary to bring the variance within the
7.2 Stucco shall not be broken or loose. If stucco is broken or loose, the Builder Surfaces altered incident to any repair
shall take such action as necessary to bring will be finished or touched up to match
the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
7.3 Stucco shall not have cracks that equal If the stucco fails to perform as stated, the The Builder shall not be responsible
or exceed 1/8 of an inch in width at any Builder shall take such action as necessary for repairing cracks in stucco caused
point along the length of the crack. to bring the variance within the standard. by the Owner's actions, including the
attachment of devices to the stucco
surface, such as, but not limited to,
patio covers, plant holders, awnings
and hose racks.
7.4 Stucco shall not deteriorate If the stucco deteriorates excessively, the The Owner shall not allow water from
excessively. Builder shall take such action as necessary irrigation systems to contact stucco
to bring the variance within the standard. finishes excessively.
7.5 Stucco shall not have dirt, stain or If the stucco fails to meet the standard, the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
debris on surface due to construction Builder shall take such action as necessary will be finished or touched up to match
activities. to bring the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
7.6 Stucco surfaces shall not have If the stucco fails to meet the standard, the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
imperfections that are visible from a Builder shall take such action as necessary will be finished or touched up to match
distance of six feet under normal to bring the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
lighting conditions that disrupt the practical.
overall uniformity of the finished
7.7 The lath shall not be exposed. If the lath is exposed, the Builder shall take Surfaces altered incident to any repair
such action as necessary to bring the will be finished or touched up to match
variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
7.8 A separation between the stucco joints If a separation between the stucco joints Surfaces altered incident to any repair
shall not equal or exceed 1/16 of an occurs in excess of the standard, the will be finished or touched up to match
inch in width. Builder shall take such action as necessary the surrounding area as closely as
to bring the variance within the standard. practical.