Page 32 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
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surface shall not be visible from a distance due to construction activities, the Builder will be finished or touched up to match
of three feet or more in normal light. A shall take such action as necessary to bring the surrounding area as closely as
surface imperfection in non-floor hard the variance within the standard. practical.
surface shall not be visible from a distance
of two feet or more in normal light.
11.4 Color variations between field hard If color variations between field and trim Natural products such as flagstone,
surfaces and trim hard surfaces should not hard surfaces are excessive and are due to marble, granite, slate and other quarry
vary excessively due to construction construction activities, the Builder shall take tile will have color variation.
activities. such action as necessary to bring the
variance within the standard.
11.5 Hard surface areas shall not leak. If a hard surface area fails to perform per Surfaces altered incident to any repair
the standard, the Builder shall take such will be finished or touched up to match
action as necessary to bring the variance the surrounding area as closely as
within the standard. practical.
11.6 The surfaces of two adjacent hard If a joint between two hard surfaces fails to Surfaces altered incident to any repair
surfaces shall not vary in an amount equal meet the standard, the Builder shall take will be finished or touched up to match
to or exceeding 1/16 of an inch such action as necessary to bring the the surrounding area as closely as
displacement at a joint, with the exception variance within the standard. practical.
of transition trim pieces.
11.7 Hard surface layout or grout line shall not If hard surface layouts or grout lines fail to Natural products such as flagstone,
be excessively irregular. meet the standard, the Builder shall take marble, granite, slate, and other
such action as necessary to bring the quarry tile will have size variations that
variance within the standard. may create irregular layouts or grout
11.8 Hard surface countertops shall be level to If a hard surface countertop is not level per Surfaces altered incident to any repair
within of an inch in any six-foot the standards, the Builder shall take such will be finished or touched up to match
measurement. action as necessary to bring the variance the surrounding area as closely as
within the standard. practical.
11.9 Hard surface floors located in a living If a finished hard surface floor located in a Finished hard surface floors located in
space that is not otherwise designed for living space fails to meet the standard, the living spaces that are designed for
drainage, shall not have pits, depressions, Builder shall take such action as necessary drainage, such as a laundry room, are
or unevenness that equals or exceeds 3/8 to bring the variance within the standard. excepted from the standards stated in
of an inch in any 32 inches. paragraph (1) of this subsection.
GROUT 11.10 Grout shall not crack or deteriorate. If grout fails to meet the standard, the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
Builder shall take such action as necessary will be finished or touched up to match
to bring the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
11.11 Grout shall not change shade or discolor If grout fails to perform to the standard, the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
excessively due to construction activities. Builder shall take such action as necessary will be finished or touched up to match
to bring the variance within the standard. the surrounding area as closely as
CONCRETE 11.12 A concrete countertop shall not have If a concrete countertop fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
COUNTERTOPS excessive pits, depressions, or standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
unevenness that equal or exceed 1/8 of an as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
inch in any 32-inch measurement. the standard. practical.
11.13 A concrete countertop shall not have If a concrete countertop fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
separations or cracks equal to or standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
exceeding 1/16 of an inch in width or 1/64 as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
of an inch in vertical displacement. the standard. practical.
11.14 A finished concrete countertop shall not be If a concrete countertop fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
stained, spotted or scratched due to standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
construction activities. as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
the standard. practical.
11.15 A concrete countertop shall not have a If a concrete countertop fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
chipped edge that extends beyond 1/16 of standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
an inch from the edge of the countertop as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
due to construction activities. the standard. practical.
11.16 A concrete countertop shall not change If a concrete countertop fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
shade or discolor excessively due to standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
construction activities. as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
the standard. practical.
CAULKING 12.1 Interior caulking shall not deteriorate or If the interior caulking fails to meet the Surfaces altered incident to any repair
crack excessively. standard, the Builder shall take such action will be finished or touched up to match
as necessary to bring the variance within the surrounding area as closely as
the standard. practical.
PAINTING & STAIN 12.2 Paint or stain shall not have excessive If the paint or stain fails to meet the This standard shall not apply to
color, shade or sheen variation. standard, the Builder shall take such action stained woodwork. Surfaces altered
as necessary to bring the variance within incident to any repair will be finished
the standard. or touched up to match the
surrounding area as closely as