Page 29 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
P. 29

9.2  When closed, a door or window shall not   If a door or window fails to meet the   The Owner shall keep weep holes on
                                  allow excessive accumulation of moisture   standard, the Builder shall take such action   windows and doors free of dirt buildup
                                  inside the door or window.   as necessary to bring the variance within   and debris, thereby allowing water to
                                                               the standard.                  drain properly.  Most door and window
                                                                                              assemblies are designed to open,
                                                                                              close and weep moisture--allow
                                                                                              condensation or minor penetration by
                                                                                              the elements to drain outside.
                              9.3  Glass in doors and windows shall not be   If glass in a window or door is broken due to   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  broken due to improper installation or   improper installation or construction   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  construction activities.     activities, the Builder shall take such action   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               as necessary to bring the variance within   practical.
                                                               the standard.
                              9.4  A screen in a door or window shall fit   If a screen in a door or window fails to meet   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  properly and shall not be torn or damaged   the standard, the Builder shall take such   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  due to construction activities.  A screen   action as necessary to bring the variance   the surrounding area as closely as
                                  shall not have a gap equal to or exceeding   within the standard.  practical.
                                   of an inch between the screen frame
                                  and the window frame.
                              9.5  There shall be no condensation between   If a window or door fails to meet the   The Owner shall not apply a tinted
                                  window and door panes in a sealed   standard, the Builder shall take such action   window film or coating to window or
                                  insulated glass unit.        as necessary to bring the variance within   door panes in sealed insulated glass
                                                               the standard.                  units.
                              9.6  A door or window latch or lock shall close   If a door, window latch or lock fails to meet   None.
                                  securely and shall not be loose or rattle.  the standard, the Builder shall take such
                                                               action as necessary to bring the variance
                                                               within the standard.
                              9.7  A door or window shall operate easily and   If a door or window fails to meet the   None.
                                  smoothly and shall not require excessive   standard, the Builder shall take such action
                                  pressure when opening or closing.    as necessary to bring the variance within
                                                               the standard.
                              9.8  A door or window shall be painted or   If a window or door fails to meet the   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  stained according to the manufacturers'   standard, the Builder shall take such action   will be finished or touched up to match
                                  specifications.              as necessary to bring the variance within   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               the standard.                  practical.
        WINDOWS               9.9  A double hung window shall not move   If a window fails to meet the standard, the   None.
                                  more than two inches when put in an open   Builder shall take such action as necessary
                                  position.                    to bring the variance within the standard.
        DOORS                 9.10 A sliding door and door screen shall stay   If a sliding door or door screen fails to   The Owner shall clean and lubricate
                                  on track.                    perform to the standard, Builder shall take   sliding door or door screen hardware
                                                               such action as necessary to bring the   as necessary.
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              9.11 The spacing between an interior door   If the spacing between a door bottom and   None.
                                  bottom and original floor covering, except   the original floor covering does not meet the
                                  closet doors, shall not exceed 1.5 inches   standards, the Builder shall take such
                                  and shall be at least  of an inch.  The   action as necessary to bring the variance
                                  spacing between an interior closet door   within the standard.
                                  bottom and original floor covering shall not
                                  exceed two inches and shall be at least
                                  of an inch.
                              9.12 A door shall not delaminate.  If a door becomes delaminated, a Builder   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                                               shall take such action as necessary to bring   will be finished or touched up to match
                                                               the variance within the standard.  the surrounding area as closely as
                              9.13 A door panel shall not split so that light   If a door panel fails to meet the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                  from the other side is visible.    the Builder shall take such action as  will be finished or touched up to match
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
                              9.14 A door shall open and close without   If a door fails to perform per the standard,   None.
                                  binding.                     the Builder shall take such action as
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the
                              9.15 A door shall not warp to the extent that it   If a door fails to perform per the standard   None.
                                  becomes inoperable.  A warp in a door   stated, the Builder shall take such action as
                                  panel shall not equal or exceed  of an   necessary to bring the variance within the
                                  inch from original dimension measured   standard.
                                  vertically, horizontally or diagonally from
                                  corner to corner.
                              9.16 A storm door shall open and close   If a door fails to perform per the standard,   None.
                                  properly and shall fit properly.    the Builder shall take such action as
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the
                              9.17 When a door is placed in an open position,   If a door fails to perform per the standard,   None.

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