Page 26 - 2107 N Rough Creek Builder Binder for Owner.pdf
P. 26

                              4.3  A gap equal to or in excess of  of an   If a gap equal to or greater than  of an   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   inch between insulation batts or a gap   inch occurs between insulation batts or a   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   between insulation batts and framing   gap occurs between an insulation batt and   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   members is not permitted.   a framing member, the Builder shall take   practical.
                                                               such action as necessary to bring the
                                                               variance within the standard.
                              4.4  Insulation shall not cover or block a   If the insulation covers or blocks the soffit   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   soffit vent to the extent that it blocks the   vent, the Builder shall take such action as  will be finished or touched up to match
                                   free flow of air.           necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard                       practical.
                                                     5.  EXTERIOR SIDING & TRIM
        EXTERIOR SIDING       5.1  Exterior siding shall be equally spaced   If siding is misaligned or unevenly spaced   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   and properly aligned.  Horizontal siding   and fails to meet the standard, the Builder   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   shall not equal or exceed  of an inch   shall take such action as necessary to bring   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   off parallel with the bottom course or   the variance within the standard.  practical.
                                   of an inch off parallel with the adjacent
                                   course from corner to corner.
                              5.2  Siding shall not gap or bow.  A siding   If siding has gaps or bows that exceed the   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   end joint shall not have a gap that leaks   standards, the Builder shall take such   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   or that equals or exceeds  of an inch   action as necessary to bring the variance   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   in width.  Siding end joint gaps shall be   within the standard.  practical.
                                   caulked.  A bow in siding shall not
                                   equal or exceed 3/8 of an inch out of
                                   line in a 32-inch measurement.
                              5.3  Nails shall not protrude from the   If a nail protrudes from the finished surface   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   finished surface of siding but nail heads   of siding, the Builder shall take such action   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   may be visible on some products where   as necessary to bring the variance within   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   allowed by the manufacturer's   the standard.              practical.
                              5.4  Siding shall not have a nail stain.  If siding has a nail stain, the Builder shall   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                                               take such action as necessary to bring the   will be finished or touched up to match
                                                               variance within the standard.  the surrounding area as closely as
                              5.5  Siding and siding knots shall not   If siding or siding knots become loose or fall   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   become loose or fall off.   off, the Builder shall take such action as   will be finished or touched up to match
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
                              5.6  Siding shall not delaminate.  If siding fails to comply with the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                                               the Builder shall take such action as  will be finished or touched up to match
                                                               necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
                              5.7  Siding shall not cup in an amount equal   If siding fails to comply with the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   to or exceeding  of an inch in a six-  the Builder shall take such action as  will be finished or touched up to match
                                   foot run.                   necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
                              5.8  Siding shall not have cracks or splits   If siding fails to comply with the standard,   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   that equal or exceed 1/8 of an inch in   the Builder shall take such action as  will be finished or touched up to match
                                   width.                      necessary to bring the variance within the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               standard.                      practical.
        EXTERIOR TRIM         5.9  A joint between two trim pieces shall   If there is a separation at a trim joint that   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   not have a separation that leaks or is   fails to comply with the standard, the   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   equal to or exceeding  of an inch in   Builder shall take such action as necessary  the surrounding area as closely as
                                   width and all trim joints shall be   to bring the variance within the standard.  practical.
                              5.10  Exterior trim and eave block shall not   If exterior trim or eave block warps in   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   warp in an amount equal to or   excess of the standard, the Builder shall   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   exceeding  of an inch in an eight-foot   take such action as necessary to bring the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   run.                        variance within the standard.  practical.
                              5.11  Exterior trim and eave block shall not   If exterior trim or eave block cups in excess   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   cup in an amount equal to or in excess   of the standard, the Builder shall take such   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   of a  of an inch in a six-foot run.  action as necessary to bring the variance   the surrounding area as closely as
                                                               within the standard.           practical.
                              5.12  Exterior trim and eave block shall not   If exterior trim or eave block has cracks in   Surfaces altered incident to any repair
                                   have cracks or splits equal to or in   excess of the standard, the Builder shall   will be finished or touched up to match
                                   excess of 1/8 of an inch in average   take such action as necessary to bring the   the surrounding area as closely as
                                   width.                      variance within the standard.  practical.
                              5.13  Trim shall not have nails that   If a nail protrudes from the finished surface   Some products specify that the nails
                                   completely protrude through the   of the trim, the Builder shall take such   be flush with the trim surface.  When
                                   finished surface of the trim but nail   action as necessary to bring the variance   these products are used, visible nail
                                   heads may be visible on some   within the standard.        heads are not considered protruding
                                   products.                                                  nails as long as they are painted over.
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