Page 3 - TG_G1_CH6_CHRIS
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                                        ACROSS THE GRADES

         Kindergarten                                  Grade One                                   Grade Two

          Number & Operations in                  Number & Operations in Base Ten                 Number & Operations in
                 Base Ten                                                                                Base Ten
                                          1.NBT.C.4    Add within 100, including adding a two-
       K.NBT.A.1     Compose and                    digit number and a one-digit number,       2.NBT.B.5    Fluently add and
                decompose numbers                   and adding a two-digit number and a                 subtract within 100
                from 11 to 19 into                  multiple of 10, using concrete models or            using strategies
                ten ones and some                   drawings and strategies based on place              based on place
                further ones, e.g.,                 value, properties of operations, and/               value, properties of
                by using objects or                 or the relationship between addition                operations, and/
                drawings, and record                and subtraction; relate the strategy                or the relationship
                each composition                    to a written method and explain the                 between addition
                or decomposition                    reasoning used. Understand that in                  and subtraction.
                by a drawing or                     adding two-digit numbers, one adds
                equation (e.g., 18 =                tens and tens, ones and ones; and          2.NBT.B.8    Mentally add 10
                10 + 8);  understand                sometimes it is necessary to compose a              or 100 to a given
                that these numbers                  ten.                                                number 100–900, and
                are composed of ten                                                                     mentally subtract 10
                ones and one, two,        1.NBT.C.5    Given a two-digit number, mentally               or 100 from a given
                three, four, five, six,             find  10 more or 10 less than the number,           number 100–900.
                seven, eight, or nine               without having to count; explain the
                ones.                               reasoning used.                            2.NBT.B.9    Explain why addition
                                                                                                        and subtraction
         Operations and Algebraic         1.NBT.C.6    Subtract multiples of 10 in the range            strategies work,
                 Thinking                           10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range             using place value
                                                    10-90 (positive or zero differences),               and the properties
       K.OA.A.4    For any number                   using concrete models or drawings                   of operations.
                from 1 to 9, find the               and strategies based on place value,                (Explanations may
                number that makes                   properties of operations, and/or the                be supported by
                10 when added to                    relationship between addition and                   drawings or objects.)
                the given number,                   subtraction; relate the strategy to
                e.g., by using objects              a written method and explain the
                or drawings, and                    reasoning used.
                record the answer
                with a drawing or

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8