Page 7 - TG_G1_CH6_CHRIS
P. 7
1 Regroup
10 ones as 1 ten. 1 ten as 10 ones.
14 + 9 = 23
Tens Ones
1 1 4
+ 9
2 3
Count on Hundred Chart
2 Multiple of ten
Numbers like: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, are called multiples of ten
An efficient way to find the total starting with the bigger One effective way to count on is with a hundred chart.
number and counting on to find the answer. Make sure Guide children to use their prior experience with a 100
that the students know the count on terms, start atand chart to add on tens by moving down on the hundred
count on, move to the right to reach the number. chart. This will help them develop their skills in adding
and subtracting tens.
Count on
An efficient way to find the total starting with the bigger
number and counting on to find the answer. Make sure
Count on
Connecting Cubes that the students know the count on terms, start atand
count on, move to the right to reach the number.
One of the most used strategies is connecting tens
An efficient way to find the total starting with the bigger
and ones models. This helps children gain confidence
number and counting on to find the answer. Make sure
that the students know the count on terms, start atand
in adding two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers
with regrouping. Connecting cubes allows children to
count on, move to the right to reach the number.
compose and decompose the numbers.
Count on
An efficient way to find the total starting with the bigger
number and counting on to find the answer. Make sure
Count on that the students know the count on terms, start atand
count on, move to the right to reach the number.
An efficient way to find the total starting with the bigger
number and counting on to find the answer. Make sure
that the students know the count on terms, start atand
count on, move to the right to reach the number.