Page 18 - August 2022
P. 18
Saturn’s return to sidereal Capricorn
(July 14 – April 15, 2023)
On July 14, Saturn with its retrograde due to unexpected drastic changes in
motion returned to sidereal Capricorn, life, it’s going to be an exciting period
and it will stay in Capricorn until April for those who have dominant Saturn in
15, 2023. their birth chart and have Pisces, Aries,
Leo, and Scorpio as their natal ninefold
Capricorn being the earth and cardinal (Navamansha) ascendant.
sign, Saturn’s energy has strongly been
reflected in the volatility and changes in Furthermore, the Saturn’s return to the
the world financial markets, especially sidereal Capricorn on July 14, joining
the energy (oil) markets, economy, Pluto will not let up the destructive and
and material expansion/contraction. fearful period, war like atmosphere,
Entrepreneurs, business leaders, politicians, future uncertainties, senseless killing, and
philanthropists, philosophers, scientists, chaotic situations all around the world.
reformers and to some extent monks will
shape the future of the world. Those who Just an example----July 20, Headline
have Saturn in Capricorn in their natal news in New York Times: “War and
charts will be experiencing Saturn’s energy Warming Upends Global Energy
as their lives transformed to a new settings Supplies, Amplifying Sufferings” clearly
due to a drastic change (mostly) at material underscores the combined energies of
and psychological levels. In my opinion, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn as well as
despite a painful period of frustration the manifestation of Uranus-Mars-Rahu
conjunction in the fire sign in Aries.
Is Russian-Ukraine war and senseless
killing going away?
As we have been witnessing, the war (within 3 degrees) in the sidereal Aries,
between Ukraine and Russia grinds on all and the same time Mar’s entry in Aries. As
through July and will continue. It will get stated in my previous months forecasts,
significantly accelerated in the first half of until Saturn completely returns to
August as the bombings of civilian areas in Aquarius (April 2023), the Ukraine war
Ukraine continue due to the manifestations is not likely to go away and will continue
of energies of Uranus-Rahu conjunction its course devastating and destabilizing
Ukraine and the region.