Page 13 - August 2022
P. 13

conveniently forget what they said or                  “To an unindividuated person, everyone
        the plans they made with you. Erratic                  is like us or should be,” I heard, now

        and restless, they are independent and                 deceased Astrologer and author, Richard
        usually unpredictable, too. At times they              Idemon say once. Consciousness and

        like to shock others by revealing obvious              more compassion, which is always a
        truths that go against the conservative                sign of advancing individuation, can
        mindsets of the culture. Often they are                be developed by recognizing that the

        observably nervous and fidgety, rather                 differences we have with others do not
        odd, kinky, unusual, weird or just plain               have to be experienced as threatening.

        unortho¬dox. It’s a rebellion against the              Often, we will meet our opposites and
        status quo and they love to defy authority             be drawn to them precisely because
        in any way they can.                                   their dominant orientation is something

                                                               we badly need. Unconsciously, we will
          ”How can I be substantial if I fail to cast          be either fascinated and enamored by

           a shadow? I must have a dark side also              them or we will become repulsed and
           if I am to be whole; and inasmuch as I              rejecting, so this is yet another way to
           become conscious of my shadow I also                see what we are needing to develop to be

          remember that I am a human being like                whole ourselves.
            any other. In any case, when I keep it

          to myself, this rediscovery of that which            To be continued ...
           makes me whole restores the condition
             which preceded the neurosis or the                Rebeca Eigen

           splitting off of the complex. In keeping
          the matter private I have only attained a

          partial cure — for I still continue in my
        state of isolation. It is only with the help of
         confession that I am able to throw myself

           into the arms of humanity freed at last
        from the burden of moral exile. The goal of

         treatment by catharsis is full confession —
          no merely intellectual acknowledgement
            of the facts, but their confirmation by

           the heart and the actual release of the
                     suppressed emotions. “

         —Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a
                       Soul, paragraph 35

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