Page 12 - August 2022
P. 12

”Individuation is always to some extent              This is also the sign who is most involved
        opposed to collective norms, since it means  with their children, wanting to show

          separation and differentiation from the              them off as a source of pride, to build
        general and a building up of the particular  their own self-esteem. They do give

             — not a particularity that is sought              much, fuss and dote over their children,
          out, but one that is already ingrained in            but they also have a reputation for being
           the psychic constitution.” — Carl Jung,             bossy as there is a dominant or willful

             Psychological Types, paragraph 761                energy to this sign. Sometimes they run
                                                               the risk of egocentricity and can appear

        Every month, I delineate a sign and what  to be self-centered but on the plus side,
        could be projected into the Shadow, so                 Leo is generous to a fault. Romantic and
        this month it is Leo.                                  dramatic, they are the sign most effective

                                                               in sweeping the partner off their feet with
            Leo - The Star/Hero/Heroine                        their lavish attention. They give praise as

        The sign of Leo, which is the fifth                    much as they want to receive it and love
        sign of the zodiac (approximately                      the state of limerence at the beginning

        July 23rd through August 23rd) and                     of any new relationship. What they want
        developmentally from about fifteen to                  most is to be adored, recognized, and

        eighteen years, is where we begin to have              worshipped for the magnanimous person
        the ability to revel in our own energy                 that they are.
        and pleasure. Being alive and having a

        self that likes to play and perform, Leo                Now what can be in the Shadow?
        proudly presents itself to the world. Leo,

        at its very best, is the star performer,               The opposite sign of the zodiac is
        the born actor who is here to spread its               Aquarius which describes a much more
        positive cheer and good will to everyone  detached and objective character who is

        they meet. They radiate the life energy                not concerned with what others think.
        of the Sun, their ruler, and creative self-            Aquarius is much more intellectually

        expression is necessary for them as their  eccentric and requires less validation for
        strongest desire is to gain admiration                 their contributions to society as their
        and appreciation for their amazing                     concerns are more universal instead of

        talents. Often, they are also heroic and               personal. Aquarius is freedom-oriented
        willingly champion a noble cause. They                 and rebellious about the accepted norms

        must be careful of taking things too                   for behavior and can exhibit sudden
        personally, therefore becoming ego-                    radical changes, not willing to be bound
        vulnerable, needing the approval of                    to routines or even just planning ahead.

        others for their decisions.                            Absentminded professor types, they

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