Page 7 - August 2022
P. 7
As Pittman McGehee, D.D. in his security and safety of each person, it
book, The Paradox of Love says, “I alone cannot be given freely. This kind of safe
must become myself, but I cannot become container will only take place with a few
myself alone.” individuals in our lifetime. A marriage or
a dear friend that goes the distance or a
I alone must In his book, life coach, astrologer or psychotherapist
become Psychology and can enter into our soul’s work as we
myself, but Alchemy, Carl Jung know without a doubt, they have our
equates a temenos to
back and we have theirs because as we
I cannot a magic circle, which grow and change in their presence, they
become acts as a ‘square too are being changed. As Jung said,
myself alone.” space’ or ‘safe place’ “The meeting of two personalities is like
where unconscious the contact of two chemical substances:
content can be brought up to the light if there is any reaction, both are
of consciousness. In understanding transformed.” “You can exert no influence
this concept, we begin to have the if you are not susceptible to influence.”
awareness that our deep and committed -Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a
relationships with significant others can Soul, page 49
be like a temenos where we get to work
through the difficult and arduous work Not everyone has the means to
of becoming conscious of our totality undertake Jungian analysis (which is
(shadow, anima/animus, Self). He expensive and can take many years),
further explains: but we can facilitate the individuation
process significantly by learning the
“... since he has succeeded in establishing astrology of ourselves and our partners,
a protected temenos, a taboo area where intimate friends, siblings, parents
he will be able to meet the unconscious. and children. When we know the
His isolation, so uncanny before, is now dominant psychological orientation in
endowed with meaning and purpose, and an individual and what inner drives are
thus robbed of its terrors.” motivating them, we will learn through
—Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, our experiences the significance of our
paragraph 63 interrelated energies as we are all are
connected archetypally. The ancients
When we have a temenos with another, viewed our cosmos as one unified
everything we do or say to them is organism.
sacred. Trust is earned, it’s not had as
a gift. Unless there have been years of As unified organisms, it follows that the
experiences that contributed to the more self-knowledge we have, the better 7