Page 3 - August 2022
P. 3

From the


        I can’t believe it is already the first of             be creating an online community where

        August! Time flies indeed. I am happy                  all members will have an opportunity
        to share with you that July was a very                 to connect with other like-minded
        successful month for Vedara and quite                  people, build meaningful relationships,

        eventful for me personally. We continue                offer and receive support, learn from
        developing a new wellness model called                 each other, and more. There will also

        Wellbright which will be offered for                   be a marketplace, it is a space to sell
        schools in 2022-2023. This initiative                  and buy crafts, arts, and everything our
        unites an array of amazing people:                     community is interested in. Things are

        school leaders and teachers, education                 in progress – stay tuned! Please send us
        experts, healers, therapists, different                your thoughts and ideas.

        specialists including wellness musicians
        and interior designers. It’s truly inspiring  I am sharing with you a big decision
        to see so many people are deeply caring                I have made on a personal level. After

        about education and wellbeing of                       27 years of teaching, I am quitting
        students and teachers.                                 this profession and resigned from my

                                                               highly ranked university where I have
        My Indigo Sun publication is gradually                 worked for the last 13 years as a full-time
        and steadily growing. Our team has                     faculty member. Now, I want to focus on

        young, talented, and ambitious people                  growing Vedara and My Indigo Sun. So,
        committed to providing you, our                        you will hear from me more often now.

        readers, with quality information and                  Wishing everyone to be well and safe,
        interesting contributors. There are some
        exciting happenings here too. We will                  Katerina and my Vedara Team

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