Page 4 - August 2022
P. 4

New Beginnings

                                                                                     Part 5

           Decoding the Self Allows for Accepting

                                        Our Differences

               t is like decoding the Self to be able          to behave bravely as an Aries to become
               to see your birth chart and your                authentic. A Cancer who is not mothering

               partners and then talk about it.                others is not a real Cancer. As we grow
       ISo many misunderstandings have                         up, we try to be what others expect of us
        to do with being convinced that our                    to get along. To fit in, we compromise

        partners are making a mistake or doing                 who we are. We wear a mask (what Jung
        something we think is                                                    called our persona) and

        wrong when they are only       the Aquarian               then we feel more and more
        following their own unique           Age, we can all NOW                 alienated from ourselves.
        internal energy, their most          embrace the freedom                 Self-estrangement is the

        dominant elements or                                                     result of trying to conform
        functions.                                 to become our                 and adjust who we are in
                                                 authentic selves.               hopes of being approved of

        Carl Jung’s depth psychology                                             by the collective. Well, in the
        fully acknowledges that we                                               Aquarian Age, we can all

        are born with predispositions. I don’t think  NOW embrace the freedom to become our
        there are any other psychological systems              authentic selves.

        that even consider this fact. While we can
        rewire or reprogram our software, we                   Knowing about your own and your
        cannot change our hardware. An Aries has  partners birth chart will give you a

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