Page 5 - August 2022
P. 5
means to decode the self for each of you. that will eliminate the confusion and
Our astrology based on our birth time, disillusionment when someone is
place and location geographically is like behaving in ways that are different from
a map to our soul or a blueprint of our ourself.
psyche as it describes our dominant
signs (archetypes) and typology. The Many times our partners are not who
four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and we thought they were when we married
Water which correspond to Carl Jung’s them. This generally happens because
typology, he called psychological in the beginning of all relationships,
functions: Sensation, Thinking Intuition there is so much projection going
and Feeling are inside of us, expressing on. This is inevitable as this is how
through us. Everyone is inherently some the psyche is able to see itself — first
combination of these four elements through exteriorization and then
as well as our style of behavior that he through withdrawing the projections
called introvert and extrovert. consciously. No easy task mind you,
but with both partners willing to do so,
More importantly you can extend it is definitely doable and much more
to each other understanding, not to conducive to healthy relationships.
mention the ease of communication Together we can each learn to relate to 5