Page 8 - August 2022
P. 8

it will go with and for our loved ones.                look forward to 80 and so on. It does not

        I believe the days of being satisfied with             end; self-discovery continues and every
        stagnant confusion and naive illusion in               bit of life both positive and negative

        our love relationships are over. Knowing               had and continue to have meaning.
        another and having them really know                    In Jung’s autobiography Memories,
        us will be considerably improved by the                Dreams, Reflections he describes his

        use of Astrology and depth psychology.                 life changes from 2 years old (his first
        This can be learned by consultations,                  dream) to old age. As Edward Edinger

        taking courses, reading for ourselves, and  says in the preface of his book, Ego and
        keeping our hearts open to going into                  Archetype, “Starting as a psychiatrist
        our unconscious as that is what it takes.              and psychotherapist, he discovered in

        In our quest for autonomy and authentic  his patients and in himself the reality of
        being, this is what is necessary. What                 the psyche and the phenomenology of

        we each know about ourselves is just the  its manifestation at a depth never before
        tip of an iceberg of what is in our vast               observed systematically.” Jung also made
        unconscious.                                           it clear that evolution will occur only

                                                               as one individual at a time is working
        In becoming 70 years old this year, I can              on their own personal development.

        look back to what I knew at 30, 40, 50,                It is the individual’s efforts at self-
        even 60 compared to what I know about                  responsibility that will change the
        myself now. From this perspective, I                   collective psyche of man.

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