Page 21 - August 2022
P. 21
disagree. This is a good time to get those Aug 15-27: A more or less favorable period
lingering bills passed in U.S. Congress for China and Russia in handling their
and Senate. China and Russia are likely domestic issues as well as improving the
to experience some mild setbacks in foreign relations through better policies.
their foreign policies, especially the ones
that deal with the United States. The countries that are more likely to be
Aug 14-28: A positive environment for affected during this month are: Russia,
religious activities all around the world. Ukraine, China, United States, Europe,
People will likely to be convinced with the and the Middle Eastern countries,
importance of moral values and will have no especially Israel and Palestine region.
difficulty in maintaining their religious faith.
Natural and Man-made Calamities
The natural calamities like extreme Earthquakes: Based on a new
weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, Earthquake prediction model (the work
heavy rains, snowstorms, air crashes as is still in progress), the earthquake(s)
well as man-made accidents are more of magnitude 6.9 or higher, if occur, are
likely to occur during Aug 1-10, 28-31. likely to occur on following dates and
Times Earthquake Predictions 2022.
Please note that these hourly predictions
refer to the Universal time (GMT).
Back to School
Since August is “Back-to-School” month, As a result, we tell them what to or what
a couple of insights in this connection. not to do rather than let children discover
One of the important aspects we should on their own how to deal with their daily
be cautious about is violence. Parents chores. Parents, being the product of our
need to stay informed about what’s going own childhood condition, follow what we
on in schools. They need to get more know rather than what children need. My
actively involved in their children’s lives suggestion is “to listen” to them as much
by having daily meaningful conversations as you can. Not guide them unless they
about their day in school. ask you. Even then, in order for them to
be self-reliant, respond with, “what do
About the parenting methods---the core you think?” and let them figure out the
principles remains the same. Typically, we answers to their questions. Of course,
as parents, tend to (out of good intention) when you see that your child is going off
treat our children as our own extension. track, you need to intervene. 21