Page 26 - August 2022
P. 26
peaches, pineapple, apricot, cantaloupe, absorbing the moisture in the air. Storing
and strawberries can take up to 12 hours. them in a dark place retains the vitamin
content of the food.
Best vegetables to dehydrate are potato,
onion, corn, beans, bell pepper, tomato, Because the dehydration process
beet, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, concentrates calorie and sugar content,
and more. dried foods can offer a more effective
energy boost than other snacks. Research
Almost anything can be dehydrated. shows that nutrients in dehydrated food
are also more easily absorbed by our
Testing Dryness and Storage bodies, helping us feel more energized
Fruits and vegetables are tough, brittle, for longer.
or crunchy when dry and do not need
conditioning. Store dried foods in air- Laura Dibbs
tight containers to prevent food from Natural healer and Healthy Food