Page 24 - August 2022
P. 24
Trending: Food Preservation
Food Preservation:
We continue to cover methods of food preservation, and today we are
talking about a simple, wise, and amazingly healthy way to preserve food,
dehydration. Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. Our
ancestors used the sun for it, and we now have additional options. The energy
input is less than what is needed to freeze or can, and the storage space is less
than that needed for canning jars and freezer containers.
It is amazing that dehydrated foods keep Dehydrating food can save you
most of their nutritional value. Dried money, reduce food waste, and speed
fruit, for example, have the same calorie, up your cooking. You can also add
protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and sugar seasoning or spices to food as you dry
content as the fresh fruit. Essential fatty it, stocking your kitchen with healthy,
acids, minerals, enzymes, most vitamins, easily portable snacks.
and antioxidants are retained too.
On top of all these benefits, adding
Raisins, which is dried grape, is dehydrated foods to your diet could
interesting. As compared to the play a role in reducing the risk of
grapes, raisins have nearly 3 times some cancers, including pancreatic,
the antioxidant capacity. But grapes stomach, bladder, and prostate. While
compared to raisins, contain more research is ongoing, scientists think
vitamins - grapes are loaded with the drying process activates chemicals
vitamin K, E, C, B1 and B2. Raisins have in foods that help prevent cell damage
them too but in lesser amounts. linked to cancer.