Page 6 - The First 60 Days Magazine - October 2023
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G A I N I N G & S H A R I N G K N O W L E D G E
The Myth s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,
of Normal I believe this resource is exactly what every parent
and professional working with young children should
TRAUMA, ILLNESS & receive as a gift. I am confident the information
provided in this booklet has the potential to
significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
By Gabor Mote, M.D. From:The First 60 Days Forward
by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF
até brings his perspective to the
great untangling of common myths
about what makes us sick, connects DIGITAL
the dots between the maladies of
individuals and the declining
soundness of society—and offers a The Power
Of Connection
compassionate guide for health and
healing.Maté brings his perspective
to the great untangling of common
myths about what makes us sick,
connects the dots between the
maladies of individuals and the
declining soundness of society—and
offers a compassionate guide for
health and healing.”
his is a place for families and community members to deepen
understanding of the complex and rich emotional worlds of our
babies and young children. This has been a dream of over ten
years, and I’m thrilled to watch it come to life. Thank you for taking
time to open your hearts and minds, thank you for paying
attention to the magical moments of infancy and early childhood.”
– Lana Shklyar Nenide, Executive Director
Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
Learn more and access The Power of Connection at:
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