Page 19 - February 2021
P. 19

In addition, there are other activities that           others is somehow healing or useful. In
        tend to center attention on the present                the guise of a question, there is judgment

        reality away from the mind’s obsession                 of “profit-driven” politicians, leaders of
        with the imaginary past and future.                    “greedy” corporations “destroying the

        Exercise and any form of physical activity  planet,” or just “criminals.” This question
        that requires full attention can be useful.            too, is very useful as it is a remarkably
        Creative endeavors such as art, building               clear demonstration of how the ego is so

        or fixing things, dancing, playing and                 intent on judging everything and does
        listening to music and being fully present             so in the most sneaky and sophisticated

        and open to nature are also useful.                    ways.

        Ultimately, though, the most powerful                  I realize how deeply ingrained this desire

        liberator is to stop insisting that the                to judge others is. This is why Awakening
        world has to be different in order to be               is, at this time, so incredibly rare. It is not

        happy. When we catch ourselves judging,                because we are not worthy enough, good
        dreading or complaining about anything,                enough or smart enough. It is because
        inner mantras such as “I’m fine with that;”  we cling to this deep seated need to label

        “The world is okay just the way it is;” “The  things as good and bad, and this clinging
        only way Love comes into this world is                 prevents us from seeing the Truth that the

        through me;” “I don’t really know and                  Universe is entirely Loving. Judgment is
        don’t need to know;” “I am okay right                  the way that we insist that we know better
        now;” and “I trust the Loving Intelligence  than God; that we are smarter than the

        of the Universe more than the voice in                 evolutionary intelligence of the Universe.
        my head” can loosen the death grip of the

        ego’s need to judge and suffer.                        It comes down to a choice. Are we going
                                                               hang on to the delusion that the world will
        5. When you say, “You are Divine                       be a better place through judging others,

        Energy, and Divine Energy is you,” but                 or have we finally realized that the ONLY
        so are others. This should probably                    place where we can transform fear into

        include profit-driven politicians,                     Love, hate into Oneness, is in our own
        leaders of greedy corporations                         consciousness? Do we really believe that
        destroying the planet, or just criminals.  we can FORCE others to be LOVING by

        Is it so?  Please explain.                             JUDGING them?

        Notice how the first question is focused               You will clearly realize that You are
        on wanting to be more aware in service                 Divine Energy when you let go of the
        of self-liberation. While this question has  need to judge. This realization will allow

        a strong implication that judgment of                  you to see the Truth rather than the
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