Page 20 - February 2021
P. 20

programming of good and bad. When
        you awaken out of this bad dream, it

        will be stunningly obvious that the
        Universe has always been Perfect,

        Whole and Loving.

        We can apply the practice for healing self-

        judgment to judging others as well. When
        we judge someone or world events, we are

        not seeing the truth, we are only seeing
        our programmed way of viewing things.
        Hence, the next time we catch ourselves

        judging someone or something, realize
        that that person or event is not real. We

        are seeing our conditioned interpretation,
        not Reality. You don’t need to be fully
        convinced it is not real. All that is required

        is the willingness to leave the pain,
        delusion and prison of judgment behind.

        See that person or event as not real and               His work experience has included working
        see the one who is judging (your ego-need              in the HIV/AIDS social services and medical
        to be right and superior) as also not real.            fields. He has undergone extensive training

        The only thing that is Real is That which is           in various forms of body and energy healing
        Seeing both. What Sees is the present Life             as well as training and retreats pertaining

        Force or Divine Energy.                                to awakening human consciousness,

                                                               including a self-directed 8-year retreat. This
        Mark Okita                                             has culminated in a surrendering of his
                                                               ego to the Divine so that all of his healing

        Mark Okita is a born energy healer and                 gifts and diverse life experiences are now
        his diverse life experiences have further              in service of a more Pure, Intelligent and

        expanded and refined those gifts. He trained  Loving Energy. Mark has been a healer
        for many years in the martial arts with an             on a professional level since 1993 and has
        emphasis on meditation and cultivation                 been doing specifically Energy Work for the

        of internal energy. Mark loves nature and              past 20 years. His specialty now is distance
        has had wilderness experiences in Alaska,              healing and telephone sessions. For more
        Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii,                 information visit

        Mexico, New Zealand and Peru.                

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